Event Information
X-Ray - Chest and Emergency Interpretation Online Course
01/01/2024 to 31/12/2024
8.5 Educational activity
6.5 Performance review
6 MOPS (Emergency Medicine) hours
Emergency Medicine
Respond to medical emergencies
Provide secondary medical care 
Provide safe medical care while working in geographic and professional isolation
Diagnostic imaging (IMAG)
Musculoskeletal (MSK)

X-Ray - Chest and Emergency Interpretation Online Course

A comprehensive review of the fundamental principles of chest and emergency X-Ray interpretation. A certificate is issued electronically upon completion.

Our Chest X-Ray Interpretation and Emergency X-Ray Interpretation courses bundled together. This course provides a comprehensive review of the fundamental principles in chest and emergency X-Ray interpretation.

Despite the technological advancements in medical imaging, the chest X-Ray remains the most frequently requested radiological investigation, and one of, if not the most difficult to interpret correctly. Often the chest x-ray will be used in conjunction with other examinations, especially in emergency cases. This course will provide practitioners with the knowledge and confidence to review radiographic techniques and recognise normal variants and radiographic patterns of trauma and injury commonly encountered for the chest, cervical & thoracolumbar spine, pelvis, upper & lower limbs, skull and face. 

Modules are viewable 6 times and will expire in 60 days.

Contact hours:
Total hours:
Total hours includes:
Skills assessment hours:
Learning objectives
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles of radiography and terminology.
2. Develop a structured approach to chest and emergency x-ray interpretation to result in the improved quality of patient care.
3. Diagnose common and life threatening conditions on chest radiograph and identify normal anatomy on a chest radiograph.
4. Describe radiographic anatomy relevant to emergency radiographs and identify common pathological findings on emergency radiographs.
5. Apply image findings to clinical scenarios.
Assessment information
Online pre-test with cases demonstrating pathology that will be covered throughout the course.  
Quizzes at the end of modules.
Online post test evaluation after completion of the course to reinforce learning.  
Course Feedback/Survey: Online survey for feedback and future course development
Additional information
More information can be found on our website at https://lightboxradiology.com/course-details.aspx?c=1093

Provider Information
Lightbox Radiology Education
Jess Corrigan
61 7 54492717