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Date: 21/11/2024 Location: Other
Presented by: Dr Coralie Endean(ACRRM National Lead Medical Educator - Supervisor Support)Take this opportunity to learn tips and trick for preparing your practice for an ACRRM registrar.At the end of this webinar, the GP supervisor will be able to:Explain…
Date: 14/11/2024 Location: Other
Date: Thursday, 14 November 2024Start Time: 7:00 PM AESTCPD Hours: 1.5Presenter: Dr. Rachael Foster, DermatologistWebinar Overview:This is a webinar on "Diabetes, Nutrition, and the Skin with Illustrative Cases," presented by Dr. Rachael…
Date: 19/09/2024 Location: Other
The role of learning facilitator and teacher are probably the most apparent of all the roles of the general practice supervisor. Teaching in the general practice setting includes the brief corridor consultations when the registrar calls for help, casual…