A Rural and Remote Medical Practitioner who can confidently diagnose and
manage haemochromatosis in their community has the opportunity to minimise
morbidity and mortality not only for that particular patient, but for the
relatives of that patient as well.
Haemochromatosis is a heterogeneous, multi-organ condition of iron overload
with variable symptoms and signs that can present a clinical challenge to the
Medical Practitioner as it can masquerade as many other conditions.
However, if diagnosed early and managed with venesections at appropriate
intervals and referrals to specialists in certain circumstances, then lives can
be saved. The challenge is both to improve under-diagnosis of haemochromatosis
and to avoid misdiagnosing conditions causing elevated serum ferritin which do
not actually reflect an underlying iron overload disorder.
This course aims to provide resources, education and skills to optimise
confidence in diagnosing and managing patients with haemochromatosis in the
rural and remote setting, to ultimately reduce iron-overload related chronic
disease for patients with haemochromatosis.