Event Information
Clinical Bytes - Disability
1 Educational activity
1 Performance review
 Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended
Apply a population health approach
Provide expert medical care in all rural contexts 
Provide primary care
Health advocate (ADV)
Remote medicine (RM)

Clinical Bytes - Disability

The Clinical Bytes - Disability course introduces you to some of the key health and social issues concerning disability as it applies to rural populations. Along with covering  some of the key health and social issues concerning disability in rural populations, this education package also provides a general introduction to the new National Disability Agency. The package is divided into five modules.

The modules are:

  1. Setting the SceneCurrent
  2. State of Disability in Australia
  3. Participant needs from clinicians
  4. Disability in Rural Areas
  5. Patient Centred Planning

This is a one of a series of Clinical Bytes topics. Click here to view all available in the series.

Online learning hours:
Total hours:
Learning objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the various health and social impacts resulting from disability.
  • Outline the role of the clinician in supporting those with disabilities and how this may conflict with the expectations of consumers.
  • Understand the importance of referral networks in the social and clinical support of persons with disability.
  • Describe physical, social and professional barriers that may hinder access for persons with disability to primary health care.
  • Understand the principles of Person-Centred Planning and how it relates to the NDIS.

Provider Information
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
Education Development Team
61 07 3105 8200
61 07 3105 8299
Level 1, 324 Queen Street
QLD, 4000