Event Information
Introduction to Primary Health Care
8 Educational activity
 Ethical practice
FACRRM Recommended

Introduction to Primary Health Care

This course has been specifically designed to introduce you to all the elements involved in primary health care - and will act as a guide through the diversity and complexity of this ever-changing landscape.

Not all content will be relevant to your individual situation; it is however intended as a helpful guide and to assist you to understand the primary health care sector in Australia.

Online learning hours:
Total hours:
Learning objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • understand primary health care sector in Australia and the role of a GP
  • generate confidence in the approach to commencing work in a placement practice
  • provide a practical overview of the administrative, procedural and financial aspects of primary care in Australia
  • enhance knowledge of available resources to support the fellowship journey
  • provide an understanding on the role of external stakeholders and the importance of collaborations

Provider Information
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
Education Development Team
61 07 3105 8200
61 07 3105 8299
Level 1, 324 Queen Street
QLD, 4000