Event Information
MiniCEX training course for clinicians
2 Educational activity
2 Performance review
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MiniCEX training course for clinicians

This course is designed specifically for ACRRM clinicians who are asked to conduct formative MiniCEX assessments with registrars. The modules contain resources and reference list to read through and activities such as quizzes and video role plays to assist you to understand the material and to practice your skills in assessing miniCEXs.

Online learning hours:
Total hours:
Learning objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the key features of the MiniCEX assessment activity.
  • Explain the rationale for use of the MiniCEX assessment and the key educational principles which underpin the MiniCEX assessment.
  • Analyse/evaluate a MiniCEX encounter for appropriate standards required.
  • Identify and rationalise borderline and fail MiniCEX performances.
  • Outline the principles of providing meaningful feedback during a MiniCEX encounter.
  • Plan a formative MiniCEX encounter with a registrar which complies with ACRRM requirements.

Provider Information
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
Education Development Team
61 07 3105 8200
61 07 3105 8299
Level 1, 324 Queen Street
QLD, 4000