Event Information
150 Shades Of Radiology
$95.00 for Non-Member
$0.00 for Member
 Addressing health inequities
Provide primary care
Provide secondary medical care 
Diagnostic imaging (IMAG)
Musculoskeletal (MSK)

150 Shades Of Radiology

The course features 150 radiology cases and content created and curated by A/Prof Tony Lamont, Associate Professor Clinical Education, James Cook University and previously Head of Radiology at Townsville Base Hospital. This course provides radiology education to assist rural and remote practitioners who provide radiology services within their practice. 

The 150 online cases are mapped against a condition index and the course contains additional valuable resources. Completing cases and the assessment for each block of 10 cases can earn participants CPD hours and meet MOPS requirements.

Online learning hours:
Total hours:
Learning objectives

On completion of this course, or sub-sections of this course, you will have enhanced your ability to:

  • apply an understanding of imaging techniques when requesting investigations for the purpose of diagnosis, monitoring and treatment
  • identify normal features on skull, spinal, abdominal, skeletal and chest radiology in adults and children
  • detect common fractures, common bony abnormalities, and prosthetic appearances on radiograph
  • recognise important features of any fracture, dislocation, subluxation or epiphyseal injury and joint conditions on radiograph
  • interpret and report on imaging modalities of the chest, abdomen, head / face, spine and renal system including common pathologies
  • apply diagnostic reasoning to arrive at one or more provisional diagnoses, considering uncommon but clinically important differential diagnoses.


Assessment information

Each block of 10 cases has its own assessment and successful completion will earn participants 5 performance review hours.

Additional information


Provider Information
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
Education Development Team
61 07 3105 8200
61 07 3105 8299
Level 1, 324 Queen Street
QLD, 4000