Event Information
Foundations of Rural Generalist Supervision: Supervision and Teaching
1 Educational activity
0.25 Performance review

Foundations of Rural Generalist Supervision: Supervision and Teaching

This introductory module will consider the conceptual basis of being a supervisor before outlining the tasks that a supervisor has to undertake. When teaching, there can be a tension between providing a conceptual basis for what we want learners to learn and providing a simple ‘how to’ guide. While both are useful and can be synergistic for learning, neither extreme, either being too theoretical or too practical, is useful.

Online learning hours:
Total hours:
Learning objectives

At the end of this module a supervisor will be able to:

  • Identify and remedy barriers to calling for help for the supervised doctor.
  • Identify and address challenges for the supervisor with providing help.
  • Respond usefully to requests by the supervised doctor for information and advice without the patient present.
  • Effectively answer a call for help from the supervised doctor with the patient present to ensure patient safety while preserving the relationship between supervised doctor and the patient.
  • Demonstrate the skills of “ask before tell” and “thinking aloud” to maximise the learning opportunities for requests for help.

Provider Information
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
Level 1, 324 Queen Street
QLD, 4000