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This course is one of five courses in the ACRRM Rural Generalist Foundation Skills series:Rural and remote contextSelf-care and wellbeingAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthPopulation healthDigital healthThe aim of this course is to introduce the key…
1 Educational activity hour
FACRRM recommended
This course introduces you to some of the key health concerns impacting men's health, and how clinicians can assess and address these issues.Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:Understand the physical, social, emotional and cultural …
1 Performance review hour
1 Educational activity hour
FACRRM recommended
This course introduces you to the fundamental principles of adolescent health care provision. In it, we focus on:interview and assessment skills necessary for identifying critical psychosocial and physical health issues for the adolescent.barriers to access…
2 Educational activity hours
FACRRM recommended
This course introduces the clinician to some of the key issues concerning oral health as it applies to rural populations. It is designed to provide non-dental health professionals a basic understanding of relevant oral health manifestations commonly seen in…
1 Performance review hour
2 Educational activity hours
FACRRM recommended
This course is one of five courses in the ACRRM Rural Generalist Foundation Skills series: Rural and remote context Self-care and wellbeing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health Population health Digital health In this course we will consider digital…
1 Educational activity hour
FACRRM recommended
NOTICE: ACRRM’s hosting of this course will end as of 30 September 2024.After this date you will no longer be able to access the course content on the ACRRM website. If you have already started the course, please complete the outstanding assessment prior to…
3 Educational activity hours
FACRRM recommended
This course moves through the methods and approaches for working with patients who, for some reason, may present as difficult. Working with difficult patients, while common, may drain much of the energy of the day. Upon successful completion of this course,…
6 Educational activity hours
FACRRM recommended
This module is a joint project between the University of Western Australia, Audiology Department and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine.Tinnitus is an increasing health concern across all demographics. It is the perception of sound for which…
3 Educational activity hours
FACRRM recommended