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There are real opportunities to achieve higher standards of healthcare in rural and remote Australia through the increased and integrated use of digital health solutions. Digital health can improve equitable access to health services and support patients in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of their health and wellbeing.

This course is currently unavailable while we update its content. You can contact the Digital Health team at or call 1800 223 226 for more information. This module was developed by ACRRM in 2012 in consultation with members of the ACRRM
4 Educational activity hours
Date: 01/03/2024
Western Victoria PHN is leading a group of national Primary Health Networks to combine resources and developed a nationally consistent training package on how to provide telehealth to residents in a RACH. These nine modules are grouped into 30 minute
0.5 Educational activity hour
Telehealth. Telehealth. Telehealth can improve health outcomes by facilitating timely access to essential specialist services and advice. ... ACRRM President 2019-2020 Dr Ewen McPhee. Education. With an emphasis on Primary Care in Rural locations the ACRRM online
The College, together with the Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA), has been working solidly for to promote introduction of Medicare support for primary care telehealth consultations to enable rural GPs ... to provide mental healthcare services via
MedicalDirector has proven itself to be a consistently fast-mover in primary healthcare innovation, with the introduction of integrated telehealth capability, the recent launch of its care planning tool, MedicalDirector Care, ... and now as the first major EMR
By David Murtagh, ACRRM Digital Health Team. Introduction . With the COVID-19 Pandemic and the new Telehealth Medicare items designed to allow all doctors to deliver their services to remote and ... Barriers to the uptake of Telehealth in remote Australia are:. -
These broader strategies should be supported by specific measures which include recognition of the important role of telehealth in supporting face-to-face primary care,” Dr Chalmers says. ... The College welcomes the introduction of permanent MBS rebates for
Document type: pdf Size: 148k
With reference to the temporary introduction of MBS rebates for primary care telehealth consultations in the early stages of the pandemic, in this and other policy areas, the College was able ... The College was therefore pleased to welcome the widening of this
Document type: pdf Size: 1258k
determined. For example, is a telehealth service to be used for a one- off. ... Use of telehealth. may expand referral options, so the referring provider needs to consider.
Document type: pdf Size: 184k
complement, but not replace, face-to-face services. ACRRM welcomed the introduction of permanent MBS. ... coverage are significant impairments to the delivery of telehealth services. These deficiencies should be.