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Date: 01/01/2023
This education discusses the known pathophysiology of the acute SARS-CoV-2 viral infection that leads to Long COVID in some people. It explains who is most likely to suffer Long COVID, how this is diagnosed and aims to ensure GPs can identify high risk
0.5 Educational activity hour
1 Performance review hour
Date: 01/01/2023
This module aims to educate GPs on the prevalence of ID and IDA in key patient populations. The module looks at strategies to diagnose ID and how to interpret pathology reporting. Participants will learn about differences in available treatment approaches
1 Educational activity hour
Date: 01/01/2023
This education discusses the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance and inappropriate antimicrobial use in Australian residential aged care facilities. It highlights the adverse effects and drug interactions associated with antibiotic use in older people as
1 Educational activity hour
Date: 06/10/2023
This education covers management of type 1 diabetes in adults and aims to ensure GPs can both identify adults with type 1 diabetes and initiate an appropriate and holistic treatment plan that sets a course for the years to come.
0.5 Educational activity hour
0.5 Performance review hour
  Ethical practice
Date: 01/01/2023
In this webinar, Dr Hilton Koppe, Dr Marita Long and Prof Kaarin Anstey explore the latest evidence to assess dementia risk, and apply the latest clinical guidelines to help prevent or delay the onset of dementia in your patients. Through a case-based approach
1.5 Educational activity hours
Date: 17/05/2023
Approximately 1 in 3 Australians are at risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) which accounts for around 17% of hospitalisations and 11% of all deaths. Because 90% of kidney function can be lost before symptoms manifest, only 10% of people with CKD are aware
2.5 Educational activity hours
Date: 29/09/2023
This education covers the identification and initial management of acute ketoacidosis in adults and aims to ensure GPs can identify adults with ketoacidosis and initiate an emergency referral that can be lifesaving. This article does not address the diagnosis
0.5 Performance review hour
0.5 Educational activity hour
  Ethical practice
Date: 20/06/2023
This learning module is aimed at helping clinicians maximise the effectiveness of Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) while minimising the potential risks across a range of circumstances and scenarios. The most effective treatment for troublesome symptoms of
1 Educational activity hour
  Culturally safe practice
  Addressing health inequities
  Ethical practice
1 Performance review hour
Date: 09/01/2023
Iron Therapy Today is dedicated website supporting the continuing professional development of Australian healthcare professionals. This free online accredited education activity focuses on the diagnosis and management of iron deficiency and iron deficiency
4 Educational activity hours
3.5 Performance review hours
Date: 01/01/2023
This module covers: What is opioid dependence?; Diagnostic criteria for opioid use disorder; Opioid pharmacotherapies in medication assisted treatment of opioid dependence (MATOD); Benefits of opioid agonist treatment; Long-acting injectable buprenorphine