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Date: 18/10/2024 Location: WA
The face to face workshops will cover the over-arching themes and approach to patient care which is person-centred, trauma informed and culturally safe. The relevant knowledge, skills and approach to recognising, assessing and managing people who present with
  Culturally safe practice
  Addressing health inequities
  Ethical practice
Date: 06/02/2024 Location: Other
Trachoma is the world's leading cause of infectious blindness. It is caused by conjunctival infection with particular types ("serovars") of Chlamydia Trachomatis. Australia is the only developed nation with endemic trachoma. Although eliminated over 100 years
2 Educational activity hours
Date: 05/03/2024 Location: WA
This is a one-day internal course for Royal Flying Doctor Services WO Doctors and Flight Nurses.The purpose of this course is to provide education across a wide range of critical care and emergency procedural skills and knowledge, and assess that individuals
3 Performance review hours
6.5 Educational activity hours
Date: 17/06/2024 Location: Other
Bowel cancer (colorectal cancer) is one of Australia’s deadliest cancers. Its incidence is rising in Australia and other comparable countries in younger adults aged under 50. Recent changes to Australian medical guidelines recommending population screening
1.5 Educational activity hours
Date: 13/06/2024 Location: Other
Eczema affects approximately 2.8 million Australians. Despite its prevalence, managing eczema effectively can be challenging for healthcare professionals due to the complexity of the condition and a variety of patient concerns, especially regarding treatment
1 Performance review hour
0.5 Educational activity hour
Date: 18/11/2024 Location: NSW
Emergencies in Rural AnaestheticsThis workshop will provide participants with contemporary learning environments designed around guided scenario based activities. The training includes technical and non-technical skills with a focus on team communication and
7 Performance review hours
  Culturally safe practice
  Ethical practice
  Addressing health inequities
6 MOPS (Emergency Medicine) hours
Tier 2 Emergency Medicine Course
Procedural Grants - Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine
Date: 01/01/2024 Location: QLD
DISQ is designed to give GPs structured, systematic patient feedback on their interpersonal skills within the consultation thus focuses on the “Communication Skills” element within the Domains of General Practice. DISQ is administered by the receptionist
15 Performance review hours
Date: 06/12/2024 Location: WA
EMET Annual Skills Workshop. The Emergency Medicine Education andamp; Training Program is a program funded by the Federal Government to provide up-skilling and support to rural GP's.A part of the program involvesEMET up-skilling sessions. Usually 4 of our
4.75 Performance review hours
1.5 Educational activity hours
6 MOPS (Emergency Medicine) hours
Procedural Grants - Emergency Medicine
Date: 29/04/2024 Location: Other
Upper GI cancers have some of the lowest survival rates out of all major cancers. They are often only diagnosed late due to vague/non-specific symptoms. There are no early detection tests or population-based screening programs. Patients often present to a GP
1 Performance review hour
Date: 02/08/2025 Location: VIC
Our basic beginner two-day cardiac ultrasound workshop is designed specifically for junior doctors (non specialist) though to intensivists, emergency physicians, anaesthetics, rural GPs, general medicine, and cardiology trainees. The aim of the course is to
7 Educational activity hours
12.75 Performance review hours