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Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This How to Treat discusses the evidence for how mistimed eating induces circadian misalignment between central and peripheral clocks and increases the risk of chronic diseases. The current evidence that time restricted eating will reduce risk in patients
0.5 Performance review hour
Date: 01/01/2024 Location: VIC
The Medcast Advanced Life Support Program (ALS) is designed to meet key practice requirements for clinicians working with adult patients (18+ years of age) who may need to respond to episodes of clinical deterioration or cardiorespiratory arrest. The program
Date: 31/07/2024 Location: NSW
Pain and GDMT: Bridging Principles and PracticeThis continuing professional development (CPD) programme aims to enhance the understanding and application of guidelines-directed medical therapy (GDMT) in pain management for primary care providers. It addresses
5 Outcome measurement hours
1 Performance review hour
2 Educational activity hours
Date: 01/01/2024 Location: Other
A comprehensive review of the fundamental principles of chest and emergency X-Ray interpretation. A certificate is issued electronically upon completion.Our Chest X-Ray Interpretation and Emergency X-Ray Interpretation courses bundled together.This course
8.5 Educational activity hours
6.5 Performance review hours
6 MOPS (Emergency Medicine) hours
Procedural Grants - Emergency Medicine, Online
Date: 20/03/2024 Location: Other
This webinar addresses the educational needs of Australian GPs in delirium and dementia management, providing comprehensive education and training aligned with the learning objectives. It aims to empower GPs and provide them with the knowledge and skills
1 Educational activity hour
Date: 01/03/2024 Location: Other
Western Victoria PHN is leading a group of national Primary Health Networks to combine resources and developed a nationally consistent training package on how to provide telehealth to residents in a RACH. These nine modules are grouped into 30 minute
0.5 Educational activity hour
Date: 01/01/2024 Location: Other
This live (and on-demand) webinar aims to address gaps in knowledge and skills of primary healthcare workers in managing multimorbidity, particularly in their need to consider each patient's co-existing physical conditions as well as their mental health and
1 Educational activity hour
1 Performance review hour
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
The course identifies the different types of anxiety disorders and the underlying cognitions. A general approach including epidemiology, considerations for assessment, secondary causes, investigations, diagnosis, treatment, and management of anxiety are
6 Performance review hours
5 Educational activity hours
Date: 01/03/2024 Location: Other
In this eLearning you will be introduced to practice strategies to support you in building the genuine connections and trust required to have culturally safe, connecting conversations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents about their worries,
1.5 Educational activity hours
0.5 Performance review hour
Date: 07/11/2024 Location: VIC
GPs are invited to a breakfast event with Dr Jo Doran, Palliative Care Physician, to learn practical strategies for optimising conversations with patients about death and dying.
1 Educational activity hour