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This course is one of five courses in the ACRRM Rural Generalist Foundation Skills series: Rural and remote context Self-care and wellbeing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health Population health Digital health The aim of this course is to introduce
1 Educational activity hour
  Addressing health inequities
  Culturally safe practice
FACRRM Recommended
This online short course was developed in partnership with the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and the Deadly Ears Program. It’s direction has been led by the results of a survey completed by primary health care clinicians who
2 Educational activity hours
  Culturally safe practice
  Ethical practice
  Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended
Welcome to the Cultural Awareness course on ACRRM Online Learning.About this course This course was originally written by Dr Louis Peachey (Senior Medical Officer, Atherton Hospital) and Kristin McBain (Research Officer, Mount Isa Centre for Rural and Remote
15 Educational activity hours
  Culturally safe practice
  Ethical practice
  Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended