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Document type: pdf Size: 127k
Application for Approval to Undertake an ACRRM AST Post – March 2023 Page 1 of 2. Application for Approval to Undertake an ACRRM AST Post Purpose This form is to be completed by the registrar prior to applying for an AST year(s) In order to get the best
Document type: pdf Size: 769k
Additional Advice to Medical Board of Australia for the application for recognition of Rural Generalist Medicine as a specialist field within General Practice. Jointly submitted by the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine and the Royal Australian
Document type: pdf Size: 1364k
Submission to the Stage 2 Detailed Assessment Joint application of the ACRRM and the RACGP for Recognition of Rural Generalist Medicine as a new field of specialist practice under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law. December 2022. Stage 2
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
To access End of Life Law for Clinicians (ELLC) click here” – the hyperlink is rural and remote settings, General Practitioners are often the key health professionals providing care
9 Educational activity hours
2 Performance review hours
Document type: pdf Size: 1511k
CURRICULUMRURAL GENERALIST. FELLOWSHIP. Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine Level 1, 324 Queen Street GPO Box 2507 Brisbane QLD 4000 Ph: 07 3105 8200 Fax: 07 3105 8299 Website: ABN: 12 078 081 848. Copyright. 2021 Australian
Document type: pdf Size: 1511k
CURRICULUMRURAL GENERALIST. FELLOWSHIP. Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine Level 1, 324 Queen Street GPO Box 2507 Brisbane QLD 4000 Ph: 07 3105 8200 Fax: 07 3105 8299 Website: ABN: 12 078 081 848. Copyright. 2021 Australian
Document type: pdf Size: 1425k
College Submission July 2021. Australian Medical Council accreditation of ACRRM Specialist Medical Programs and Continuing Professional Development Programs. Contents Part A: Executive Summary. 1 Part B: Addressing the Accreditation Standards. 5 1. Context of
Document type: docx Size: 2908k
Form. Case Log Proforma. Purpose. This proforma can be used to record cases as evidence of experience for training. Registrar details. Registrar name. Click or tap here to enter text. ACRRM membership number. Click or tap here to enter text. Phone number.