Workshop (243)

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Date: 29/03/2025 Location: QLD
The Spirometry Training Course is a 6-hour interactive workshop, Australia's first truly national spirometry training for GPs. The workshop provides comprehensive training in the application, measurement and interpretation of expiratory spirometry in general
4 Educational activity hours
2 Performance review hours
Date: 30/03/2025 Location: QLD
The Spirometry Training Course is a 6-hour interactive workshop, Australia's first truly national spirometry training for GPs. The workshop provides comprehensive training in the application, measurement and interpretation of expiratory spirometry in general
4 Educational activity hours
2 Performance review hours
Date: 29/03/2025 Location: QLD
The objective of this workshop is to provide rural doctors and nurses with cross domain, team-based learning opportunities across a number of topics such as severe and less severe trauma, advances in trauma care, x-rays in trauma, procedures in trauma
12 Performance review hours
3 Educational activity hours
Procedural Grants - Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine
Date: 03/04/2025 Location: NSW
Murrumbidgee HealthPathways Presents:-Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS clinical guidelines)-ACSQHC Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Clinical Care Standard-Murrumbidgee HealthPathways a practical tool and latest updates on CPD trackingThis event is intended to be
0.5 Educational activity hour
1 Performance review hour
  Ethical practice
Date: 29/03/2025 Location: QLD
Alearning module for doctors wanting to boost their skills and confidence in managing neck and upper back pain.Learn how to:Sharpen your diagnostic skills with more focused history takingRefine your physical examination skills and understand your
7 Performance review hours
8 Educational activity hours
Date: 29/03/2025 Location: NSW
This multidisciplinary education session will provide essential clinical and practical insights to ensure GPs are well-equipped to effectively participate in the National Lung Cancer Screening Program, integrate evidence-based screening guidelines, and
4.5 Educational activity hours
Date: 04/04/2025 Location: SA
The RESP Critical Care workshop focuses on essential skills in critical care, resuscitation, ALS and extended emergency medicine skills. The workshop features intensive small group training in procedural skills and clinical simulation in the assessment and
13.5 Educational activity hours
18 Performance review hours
6 MOPS (Emergency Medicine) hours
Procedural Grants - Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, Surgery
Date: 11/04/2025 Location: NSW
The Cardiac Bootcamp is a full day workshop that covers the essential skills needed in all cardiac patients. It covers the reading of ECG's, the management of atrial fibrillation, syncope, cardiac arrest, as well as looking at the paediatric cardiac
4 Educational activity hours
2 Performance review hours
Date: 05/04/2025 Location: QLD
The Spirometry Training Course is a 6-hour interactive workshop, Australia's first truly national spirometry training for GPs. The workshop provides comprehensive training in the application, measurement and interpretation of expiratory spirometry in general
4 Educational activity hours
2 Performance review hours
Date: 29/03/2025 Location: VIC
This two-day workshop provides GP Obstetricians with the opportunity to work on the development of OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) stations for use in the Advanced Diploma of RANZCOG OSCE. It provides an opportunity to review OSCE stations
1.5 Educational activity hours
9 Outcome measurement hours