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You searched for: cancer australia
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This course was developed by Cancer Australia as part of a six-part series on the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care for women with early breast cancer. This course addresses breast cancer treatment and managing its immediate emotional and psychological
2 Educational activity hours
FACRRM Recommended
This course was developed by Cancer Australia as part of a six-part series on the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care for women with early breast cancer. This course addresses the importance of adopting a systematic approach to the investigation of a new
1 Performance review hour
Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended
This course was developed by Cancer Australia as part of a six-part series on the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care for women with early breast cancer. This course focuses on the issues that require consideration when caring for a younger woman
2 Educational activity hours
FACRRM Recommended
The Breast cancer – treatment options course was developed by Cancer Australia and adapted for online delivery by the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).This course focuses on the available treatment options following diagnosis and is
2 Educational activity hours
FACRRM Recommended
This course describes genes in which heritable faults (or mutations) increase a woman’s susceptibility to breast and ovarian cancer. It will explain how to assess a woman’s risk of breast and ovarian cancer based on her family history and describe when it
1 Educational activity hour
1 Performance review hour
FACRRM Recommended
Search results that match 1 of 2 words
This course is a brief introduction to some of the key issues challenging rural and regional communities with respect to cancer, its diagnoses and management. This is a one of a series of Clinical Bytes topics. Click here to view all available in the series.
1 Educational activity hour
Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended
The aim of this module is to provide online learning that will be clinically relevant for GPs and will introduce GPs to a variety of management tools available to tinnitus sufferers. This will contribute towards greater GP knowledge of tinnitus and its
3 Educational activity hours
Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended
The Australian College of Rural Medicine has developed this course to provide ACRRM members with an overview of Aeromedical Retrieval in Australia. This course is relevant to all Rural Practitioners who may need to use aeromedical retrieval services to
6 Educational activity hours
Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended
The Clinical Bytes - Disability course introduces you to some of the key health and social issues concerning disability as it applies to rural populations. Along with covering some of the key health and social issues concerning disability in rural populations,
1 Educational activity hour
1 Performance review hour
Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended
The purpose of this course is to provide learners with introductory knowledge and insight to develop an understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ beliefs, values, histories, cultures and experiences pre-colonisation to the present.You
3 Educational activity hours
1 Performance review hour
Culturally safe practice
Ethical practice
Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended