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The Australian College of Rural Medicine has developed this course to provide ACRRM members with an overview of Aeromedical Retrieval in Australia. This course is relevant to all Rural Practitioners who may need to use aeromedical retrieval services to
6 Educational activity hours
Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended
This online course takes participants through the process of grieving and bereavement, exploring theories of grief and the effects of grief on a person’s life. The course incorporates communication strategies for responding to those who are grieving and
2 Educational activity hours
Ethical practice
Addressing health inequities
The Breast cancer – treatment options course was developed by Cancer Australia and adapted for online delivery by the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).This course focuses on the available treatment options following diagnosis and is
2 Educational activity hours
FACRRM Recommended
The course features 150 radiology cases and content created and curated by A/Prof Tony Lamont, Associate Professor Clinical Education, James Cook University and previously Head of Radiology at Townsville Base Hospital. This course provides radiology education
Addressing health inequities
Driving change in communities aims to help you understand and address substance use disorders within our rural communities. From grasping the fundamentals of substance misuse to mastering AOD screening, assessment, and brief interventions, you'll gain
10 Educational activity hours
2 Performance review hours
Culturally safe practice
Addressing health inequities
Ethical practice
This non-directive pregnancy counselling course is relevant for a rural and remote practice context and enables rural practitioners in generalist practice to review and refine their non-directive counselling skills. The course is a case-based activity that
3 Educational activity hours
This course was developed by Cancer Australia as part of a six-part series on the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care for women with early breast cancer. This course addresses breast cancer treatment and managing its immediate emotional and psychological
2 Educational activity hours
FACRRM Recommended
This course was developed by Cancer Australia as part of a six-part series on the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care for women with early breast cancer. This course focuses on the issues that require consideration when caring for a younger woman
2 Educational activity hours
FACRRM Recommended
The Q fever: early diagnosis and vaccination online learningcourse was developed by the Communicable Diseases Branch, Health Protection New South Wales (NSW) in collaboration with experts in clinical infectious diseases, vaccinology, veterinary microbiology,
2 Educational activity hours
Addressing health inequities
This course aims to prepare and equip rural and remote practitioners to provide best-practice palliative care and symptom management for dying patients in their place of choice. It is about providing the right care, at the right time, in the right place.
2 Performance review hours
Addressing health inequities