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In this module, we will explore Random Case Analysis (RCA), a supervision and teaching technique for gaining insight into a doctor’s clinical practice and for learning. RCA is particularly useful in ensuring patient safety when a supervised doctor is not
Although there is crossover between teaching and clinical roles, a supervisor is a dual professional – both clinician and educator. This course will consider the conceptual basis of being a supervisor before outlining the tasks that a supervisor has to
2 Educational activity hours
We have previously described how to manage the ad hoc supervisory encounter, when the supervised doctor seeks help while the patient is present. In these encounters during the consulting day, the primary focus is on patient safety. In this module, we will
0.5 Educational activity hour
0.5 Performance review hour
Providing feedback on observed consultations is one of the most important tasks for a GP supervisor to undertake.Consultation observation and feedback is the prime method for helping the supervised doctor develop consultation and communication skills, skills
1 Educational activity hour
This introductory module will consider the conceptual basis of being a supervisor before outlining the tasks that a supervisor has to undertake. When teaching, there can be a tension between providing a conceptual basis for what we want learners to learn and
1 Educational activity hour
0.25 Performance review hour
This module looks at the tasks required at the beginning of a supervised doctor’s placement in the practice and explains why they are so important to a successful term. Links to several useful tools and resources are included.
2 Educational activity hours
0.5 Performance review hour
In this module, we will be preparing you for the planned teaching that supervisors are expected to provide during set-aside, one-on-one teaching sessions. We will explore what to teach and how to teach. Planned teaching is distinct from the ad hoc teaching
1 Educational activity hour
Foundations of Rural Generalist Supervision: Supervision and Teaching. This introductory module will consider the conceptual basis of being a supervisor before outlining the tasks that a supervisor has to undertake. ... Foundations of Rural Generalist Supervision:
Current Year Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine - ABN: 12 078 081 848. ... Healthy rural, remote and First Nations communities through excellence, social accountability and innovation.
Check out these tips and tricks from the ACRRM Future Rural Generalist Committee. ... Healthy rural, remote and First Nations communities through excellence, social accountability and innovation.