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Date: 19/02/2025 Location: VIC
To provide education in the recognition and early management of seriously ill and injured children.The APLS learning environment is interactive, practical and covers all aspects of the emergency management of children. The face to face program is facilitated
15 Educational activity hours
22 Performance review hours
6 MOPS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) hours
6 MOPS (Emergency Medicine) hours
MOPS (Anaesthetics (Emergency Response))
Date: 27/02/2025 Location: NSW
To provide education in the recognition and early management of seriously ill and injured children.The APLS learning environment is interactive, practical and covers all aspects of the emergency management of children. The face to face program is facilitated
15 Educational activity hours
22 Performance review hours
6 MOPS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) hours
6 MOPS (Emergency Medicine) hours
MOPS (Anaesthetics (Emergency Response))
Date: 12/03/2025 Location: VIC
To provide education in the recognition and early management of seriously ill and injured children.The APLS learning environment is interactive, practical and covers all aspects of the emergency management of children. The face to face program is facilitated
15 Educational activity hours
22 Performance review hours
6 MOPS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) hours
6 MOPS (Emergency Medicine) hours
MOPS (Anaesthetics (Emergency Response))
Date: 02/01/2023 Location: QLD
WHAT IS DEADLY MHST: SUBSTANCE MISUSE? Deadly MHST: Substance Misuse is a 9.5 hour mental health skills and cultural awareness training package that focuses on the use of alcohol, drugs and ICE in Indigenous communities. It is aimed at those of you who have
5.5 Educational activity hours
4 Performance review hours
The Clinical Bytes - Disability course introduces you to some of the key health and social issues concerning disability as it applies to rural populations. Along with covering some of the key health and social issues concerning disability in rural populations,
1 Educational activity hour
1 Performance review hour
Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended
The aim of this course is to provide knowledge and awareness of Australian Indigenous cultures in the context of health care. It is suitable for ACRRM members, as well as non-member general practice teams who wish to participate in the Practice Incentives
15 Educational activity hours
Culturally safe practice
Ethical practice
Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended
The Clinical Bytes - Men's Health course introduces you to some of the key health concerns impacting men's health, and how clinicians can assess and address these issues This is a one of a series of Clinical Bytes topics. Click here to view all available in
1 Performance review hour
1 Educational activity hour
Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended
The aim of this course is to enhance and improve your communication skills in the doctor-patient relationship and colleague to colleague, for the best possible clinical outcomes. Effective communication skills are crucial to the patient-doctor relationship
10 Educational activity hours
FACRRM Recommended
This course is one of five courses in the ACRRM Rural Generalist Foundation Skills series:Rural and remote contextSelf-care and wellbeingAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthPopulation healthDigital healthIn recent years there has been an increasing
1 Educational activity hour
Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended
This coursehighlights the specific environmental and occupational exposures encountered by farmers, farm workers and their families in their workplace and home.The course aims to increase participants understanding of the occupational health and safety risks
2 Educational activity hours
Addressing health inequities
FACRRM Recommended