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Date: 13/02/2023 Location: Other
T2DM is commonly associated with other health conditions, such as hypertension, dyslipidaemia, cardiovascular disease, stroke, depression, vision loss and kidney-related disorders. Managing T2DM is multifaceted, requires individualised therapy and overlaps
4.5 Educational activity hours
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This general dermatology course focuses on systemic treatment options for psoriasis and lichen planus. Participants will learn the different types of systemic treatments for these conditions including collecting clues from patients to determine the best
4 Educational activity hours
6 Performance review hours
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This clinical audit focusses on the application of Botulinum toxin for medical practitioners who are working in aesthetic medicine. Participants demonstrate their application of knowledge from the course, best practice resources and identified outcome
2 Performance review hours
19.5 Outcome measurement hours
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This course focuses on the application of dermoscopy for suspicious skin lesions. Participants will learn about the general aspects of the dermoscopic examination of pink tumours. It explains the patterns associated with melanocytic and non-melanocytic skin
4 Educational activity hours
6 Performance review hours
With an avid interest in emergency services, Greg’s goal is to highlight the plight of Victoria’s Rural Urgent Care Centres, including the dedicated staffing and community access.
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) is an autoimmune response to an untreated group A streptococcal (Strep A) infection. It can lead to rheumatic heart disease (RHD) which is a chronic, often fatal disease. The number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
1 Educational activity hour
Date: 31/05/2023 Location: Other
Senior Medical Practitioners who want to fulfil other ambitions and pursue new challenges, clinicians who are ready to take the next step in their career to reach their goals, doctors who are working their way up through the ranks and want to ensure they get
10.5 Educational activity hours
1.5 Performance review hours
1 Outcome measurement hour
Date: 01/07/2023 Location: Other
This Women’s Health course focusses on cognitive and sleep issues in perimenopause and menopause and obstructive sleep apnoea. It then moves to recurrent urinary tract infections after menopause including cystitis and genitourinary syndrome of menopause.
  Culturally safe practice
  Ethical practice
  Addressing health inequities
5 Performance review hours
5 Educational activity hours
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This course focuses on skin cancer surgery relating to neurovascular island flaps. The Bezier and keystone neurovascular island flaps come with blood supply so are not generally undermined and are cut all around the defect. These flaps are usually applied to
4.5 Educational activity hours
5 Performance review hours
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This outcome improvement activity relates to medicinal cannabis and chronic pain and enables doctors to review and enhance their current practice for patients who may benefit from medicinal cannabis in chronic pain. This activity will guide you to compare and
8.5 Outcome measurement hours