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You searched for: approach to care
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Date: 30/08/2023 Location: Other
This module is designed to introduce GP's to the issues that affect people ageing with HIV, and provide guidance on how to support them to have good quality life.
1.5 Educational activity hours
Addressing health inequities
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This course outlines the constituents of dietary supplements in sports nutrition and risks of supplement contamination. Effective dietary supplements for athletes of all ages and sport endeavour are outlined. The first section focusses on safe and legal
Culturally safe practice
Ethical practice
Addressing health inequities
5 Educational activity hours
6 Performance review hours
Date: 01/02/2023 Location: Other
The Australasian Menopause Society (AMS) eLearning activity will address the effectiveness of MHT treatment to most women with sexual dysfunction, the need of an appropriate assessment and consultation for a shared decision-making process between the GP and
1 Educational activity hour
Date: 27/02/2024 Location: Other
Dr Caroline West and Dr Li Chuen-Wong lead an expert panel to discuss how health professionals can overcome challenges in improving quality of life for patients living with eczema.
1 Educational activity hour
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This course provides an overview of the role of nutrition and lifestyle choices for optimising health at all stages of pregnancy. A case study is used to inform about the role of nutrition for conception and fertility. Lifestyle choices including key
Culturally safe practice
Ethical practice
Addressing health inequities
4.5 Educational activity hours
6 Performance review hours
ACRRM President, Associate Professor Ruth Stewart, said the budget "puts forward a strategic approach to healthcare that provides a suite of funding that should be viewed as part of a large ... A commitment to "Stronger Rural Health". "We've long advocated for the
Everyone should be aware that they may consult with their pharmacist regarding alternative medications available over the counter, or make an appointment to see their doctor or other health care provider ... their condition and re-assess their approach to
Document type: pdf Size: 2380k
Rationale The WHO defines palliative care as:. ‘An approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention ... They must demonstrate an evidence-based approach
about how they’re working to close the gap, and how they deliver services to everyone regardless of who they are or where they live, a truly collaborative and inclusive approach ... to health care that it so important across remote Australia.
Date: 06/02/2024 Location: Other
"There is currently an outbreak of Syphilis in Australia. The outbreak is affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in northern Queensland, all of the NT, South Australia’s Far North region, Eyre and Western region, and the Kimberley
2 Educational activity hours