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You searched for: approach to care
Found 2,799 results
Where 784 match all words and 2,015 match some words.
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Date: 09/01/2024 Location: Other
Erectile dysfunction is a common condition affecting males but can be difficult to talk about. This webinar will provide information about the risk factors and how to act early for better patient outcomesPrimary care is the first point of contact for men with
1 Educational activity hour
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This course describes the steps in implementing a coordinated model of care for the management of chronic disease. The definitions of chronic disease are outlined including the benefits and limitations of guidelines. Patient centred and collaborative care
4 Educational activity hours
6 Performance review hours
  Culturally safe practice
  Addressing health inequities
  Ethical practice
Date: 09/09/2024 Location: Other
This orientation is specifically designed for General Practitioners (GPs) to deepen their understanding of the unique role and significance of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) within the primary health care sector. While GPs are
2.5 Educational activity hours
1.5 Performance review hours
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This education discusses the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance and inappropriate antimicrobial use in Australian residential aged care facilities. It highlights the adverse effects and drug interactions associated with antibiotic use in older people as
0.5 Educational activity hour
0.5 Performance review hour
Date: 31/07/2024 Location: Other
7.5% of Australians aged 40 and over have symptomatic COPD, which increases to 30% in those aged 75 and overManaging COPD effectively requires a comprehensive approach that combines pharmacological treatment with lifestyle support and patient education. By
1 Educational activity hour
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This course focuses on the approach to pigmented skin lesions relating to skin cancer medicine. Participants will acquire the knowledge required to safely and confidently diagnose and treat commonly encountered skin lesions. Unit one discusses common benign
4 Educational activity hours
5 Performance review hours
Date: 28/04/2025 Location: QLD
PEM Boss Course, the Paediatric Emergency Expert to Expert on line Forum - An innovative and interactive 1-day program of 6 concurrent modules that provide consultant to consultant facilitated peer review discussions on topics vital to the practice of
6 Performance review hours
1.25 Educational activity hours
6 MOPS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) hours
6 MOPS (Emergency Medicine) hours
Procedural Grants - Emergency Medicine, Obstetrics
Date: 07/02/2025 Location: WA
The face to face workshops will cover the over-arching themes and approach to patient care which is person-centred, trauma informed and culturally safe. The relevant knowledge, skills and approach to recognising, assessing and managing people who present with
  Culturally safe practice
  Addressing health inequities
  Ethical practice
Date: 01/07/2024 Location: Other
This course addresses the learning needs of GPs by practically demonstrating how to apply and accurately enter data to ensure compliance with Aboriginal national Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Through interactive sessions and screen capture videos, GPs
3 Educational activity hours
0.5 Performance review hour
Date: 19/02/2025 Location: WA
The face to face workshops will cover the over-arching themes and approach to patient care which is person-centred, trauma informed and culturally safe. The relevant knowledge, skills and approach to recognising, assessing and managing people who present with
  Culturally safe practice
  Addressing health inequities
  Ethical practice