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Document type: pdf Size: 158k
Funds doctors who can be shown to be providing patient access to advanced care in high needs rural communities. • ... Funds education activities that substantively contribute to recipients’ continued provision of advanced care services in their community.
Document type: pdf Size: 153k
first point of contact for dementia patients and Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs) in need of assistance. ... Recruiting and retaining a skilled aged care workforce becomes increasingly difficult with remoteness.
Document type: pdf Size: 242k
Identification of workforce needs requires a more nuanced approach than simply identifying specialties of national workforce shortage. ... services including anaesthetic, obstetric, emergency, in patient, palliative, mental health and population health care.
Document type: pdf Size: 273k
A scope of clinical practice? A private sector model for office-based primary care? ... 6 Two broad approaches to the evolving definition can be identified: assertion of a new patient-centred professional ethos in medicine (one that emphasises integrated
Document type: pdf Size: 266k
delivery of non-pharmalogical care by medical and allied health professionals should be. ... Question 20: Please indicate your level of agreement with the proposed evaluation approach.
Document type: pdf Size: 266k
delivery of non-pharmalogical care by medical and allied health professionals should be. ... Question 20: Please indicate your level of agreement with the proposed evaluation approach.
Document type: pdf Size: 175k
Page 3 of 10. Evidence demonstrates that high quality primary care reduces hospital costs. ... Recommendation 9: the Victorian Government should review its approach to providing emergency care for people living in regional and rural areas of the State.
Document type: pdf Size: 4549k
A Rural Generalist medical practitioner understands and responds to the diverse needs of rural communities: this includes applying a population approach, providing safe primary, secondary and emergency care, culturally engaged Aboriginal ... Provide secondary
Document type: pdf Size: 578k
Queensland, theodore, australia; fPrimary Health care directorate, university of cape town, cape town, South africa. ... palliative care as examples) and apply a population health approach with relevance to the community in which they practise.[22].
Document type: pdf Size: 1208k
A Rural Generalist medical practitioner understands and responds to the diverse needs of rural communities: this includes applying a population approach, providing safe primary, secondary and emergency care, culturally engaged Aboriginal ... Provide secondary