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Document type: pdf Size: 185k
an option to complement face-to-face care and to provide multidisciplinary support to clinicians in regional settings. ... culturally safe and responsive health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Document type: pdf Size: 119k
Page 5 of 7. Strategic Objective 5: Workforce to Transform Delivery of Cancer Care. ... This model of care should be utilised more extensively than is currently the case.
Document type: pdf Size: 83k
This is due in part to difficulties in accessing a range of primary care, diagnostic and specialist services. ... Treating patients in their community is much more cost effective both for the patients and for the health care system.
Document type: pdf Size: 101k
The College’s programs are specifically designed to provide Fellows with the extended skills required to deliver the highest quality Rural Generalist model of care in rural and remote communities, which ... Our members provide expert front line medical care in a
Document type: pdf Size: 147k
communities. The College supports models of care that involve a collaborative and team-based approach where. ... approach to the provision of health care and the College training programs reflect this.
Document type: pdf Size: 93k
This generalist approach has been recognised as an area of growing deficit in our national medical workforce. ... senior colleagues who are rurally-based doctors practicing the more generalist approach to medicine of rural contexts.
Document type: pdf Size: 93k
This generalist approach has been recognised as an area of growing deficit in our national medical workforce. ... senior colleagues who are rurally-based doctors practicing the more generalist approach to medicine of rural contexts.
Document type: pdf Size: 1258k
2. ACRRM FRAMEWORK AND GUIDELINES FOR TELEHEALTH SERVICESThe ACRRM Telehealth Framework provides health and medical colleges, clinicians and health care organisations with a common approach to the development of craft specific ... health care, these are noted and
Document type: pdf Size: 105k
rates, poorer understanding of medication uses and lower ability to self-manage care.5. ... 1 Draft Consultation Paper for the National Health Literacy Strategy, page 8 2 Australian Safety and Quality Goals for Health Care Partnering with Consumers: Action Guide.
Document type: pdf Size: 157k
care for patients in the local community in consultation with other specialists if required. ... discretion. We are concerned that this recommendation could further diminish access to care in Australia’s rural.