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Document type: pdf Size: 113k
There is limited cancer care assistance specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. ... culturally safe and responsive health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Document type: pdf Size: 142k
Paradoxically, this approach may lead to further fragmentation and specialization of care, waste scarce healthcare resources, undermine the practice of Rural Generalist Medicine and team-based models of care and thereby ... interventions by individuals to outcomes
Document type: pdf Size: 404k
The domains are:. • provide medical care in the ambulatory and community setting • provide care in the hospital setting • respond to medical emergencies • apply a population health approach • address the health care ... 2.1 Utilise an evidence-based
Document type: pdf Size: 829k
As a Rural Generalist you understand and respond to the diverse needs of rural communities including; applying a population health approach, providing safe primary, secondary and emergency care, culturally safe Aboriginal ... Provide secondary medical care 4.
Document type: pdf Size: 299k
successful models) • Efficiency/cost-effectiveness of RG model of care • Exploring what gives ‘vibrancy’ to rural health teams with RG models • Quality and safety in RG practice including non-traditional outcome ... study to bring it to life • Needs a
Document type: pdf Size: 200k
care by locally based practices and practitioners to embed continuity of doctor-patient relationships. • ... ACRRM Feedback on the Draft Primary Health Care 10-year plan November 2021.
Document type: pdf Size: 937k
scope of practice. utilise a problem solving approach. demonstrate clinical skills required for appropriate pre-operative assessment and care of patients. ... 6.1 PRE-OPERATIVE AND GENERAL MEDICAL CARE. Physical and mental states which.
Document type: pdf Size: 198k
They often provide services in areas such as obstetrics, emergency care, mental health, palliative care, and anaesthetics. ... ACRRM Feedback on the Draft Primary Health Care 10-year plan November 2021.
Document type: pdf Size: 230k
and appropriately skilled workforce to deliver safe, quality care which meets the needs of rural and remote communities. ... Exploring temperament and character traits in medical students; a new approach to increase the rural workforce.
Document type: pdf Size: 136k
and other allied health professionals) in models of care that are distinctive from what might. ... distrust from health practitioners and an excessive requirement to justify requests for pain care.