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Document type: pdf Size: 129k
major facet of primary care in the Australian healthcare system. General practice is not only. ... communities, who deserve the high-quality, patient-centred general practice care that the.
Document type: pdf Size: 1169k
Taking a strengths-based approach, rural health care services can relatively easily create strong communications across systems and health care settings to provide well-coordinated, patient centred care, particularly where individuals ... These localized
Document type: pdf Size: 1041k
The increasing proportion of young women doctors graduating from medical schools places a particular duty of care on mentors in rural and remote practice. ... experience both the benefits and challenges of providing medical care within a rural and remote
Document type: pdf Size: 815k
Training. • constructive and positive approaches to rural maternity care must be embedded in early training for young healthcare professionals. • ... a regional approach to team models of care should allow for backfilling and flexible professional support
Document type: pdf Size: 220k
goal of delivering high quality health care in rural and remote areas most effectively. ... Communities should be enabled and resourced to identify and address, and indeed solve, their local health care challenges.
Document type: pdf Size: 829k
As a Rural Generalist you understand and respond to the diverse needs of rural communities including; applying a population health approach, providing safe primary, secondary and emergency care, culturally safe Aboriginal ... Provide secondary medical care 4.
Document type: pdf Size: 829k
As a Rural Generalist you understand and respond to the diverse needs of rural communities including; applying a population health approach, providing safe primary, secondary and emergency care, culturally safe Aboriginal ... Provide secondary medical care 4.
Document type: pdf Size: 203k
The College views provision of primary care as at the heart of this approach. ... Rural Generalist Curriculum Domains. 1 Provide expert medical care in all rural contexts: patient-centred approach, diagnosis, management, and teamwork.
Document type: pdf Size: 185k
We need a national approach to ensure all rural and remote communities are systematically supported by adequate funding and resourcing. ... ACRRM Feedback on the Draft Primary Health Care 10-year plan November 2021.
Document type: pdf Size: 277k
remote people with excellent health care. It provides a quality Fellowship program including. ... safe and appropriately credentialed care. The additional professional risk and compliance this is.