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Document type: pdf Size: 187k
detection of HPV alone did not imply cervical cancer, but an increased risk requiring further. ... to cervical screening guidelines in Australia. Strong candidates were thorough and comprehensive in their approach.
Document type: pdf Size: 222k
Rural and Remote Health, A Study on Mortality, 2nd edition, page 260 5 Diabetes Australia Group Strategic Plan 2023-27. ... Rural and Remote Australia, October 2016,
Document type: pdf Size: 305k
The Rural and Remote Medical Primary Care Workforce There is an acknowledged maldistribution of medical practitioners in Australia. ... They do not have the flexibility to grow their business by offering niche (cosmetic, sports medicine, skin cancer etc.) services
Document type: pdf Size: 324k
Economic impacts - the impact of menopause on women's work engagement in Australia is not known. ... iv Advancing Menopause care in Australia, barriers and opportunities, Davis SR and MacGraith K.
Document type: pdf Size: 245k
Factsheet 8: Cancer in Rural Australia ... Think about great examples of work within or outside the cancer sector in Australia and internationally.
Document type: pdf Size: 152k
Candidates were based around Australia, in a nominated location. Venues and invigilators are required to be officially approved by ACRRM and met the standards required for MCQ exams. ... Management of premature ejaculation 88%. Prostate cancer screening
Document type: pdf Size: 201k
care, paediatric care, cancer treatments, renal care, end of life care, and addiction care. ... Australia was 50% higher than in the cities with the rate increasing with remoteness.
Document type: pdf Size: 108k
serious health conditions including respiratory diseases, heart disease and strokes and many types of cancer. ... Although Australia has made significant progress in reducing smoking rates, it remains a major cause of illness and death.
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the Rural Doctors Association of Tasmania and the Rural Doctors Association of Australia. ... She represents ACRRM on the Cancer Australia InterCollegiate Advisory Group and on the Conjoint Committee of Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine.
Document type: pdf Size: 153k
Candidates undertook the MCQ exam in approved venues across Australia in their own locations rather than central exam. ... Crush injury complications 92%. Management of collapse and LOC 97%. Investigations (Ix) Screening for prostate cancer 44%.