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1. Terms of Reference. National Palliative Care Standards Generalist Supplement Project Working Group ________________________________________________. Purpose. To support health practitioners in their delivery of generalist palliative care, Palliative Care
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InclusivenessWe are a friendly and welcoming Mob from across Australia and around the world, united by a shared vision. ... Research shows that the health impacts of climate change vary significantly across Australia, with rural and remote areas facing unique
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19 For example, birthing and neonatal care, cancer treatments, renal care, end of life care, addiction care, and preventive screening. ... that its achievements in this area are stronger than anywhere else in Australia.
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DR DAN HALLIDAY. 3. CEO’s report. The year saw us round out 25 years as Australia’s first and only College dedicated to rural and remote medicine. ... Health Plan• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Australian Cancer Plans• Kruk Review of
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University Dr Ross Maxwell Immediate Past President, Rural Doctors Association. of Australia and Management Committee, Rural Doctors Association of Queensland. ... How can this be accommodated within primary healthcare teams in rural and remote and Indigenous
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Access to equitable and comprehensive healthcare in Australia’s rural and remote populations is complex given the challenge of distance and geography. ... RACGP Rural supports and advocates for 19,000 members with over 8,500 registered GPs in rural and remote
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85 3.C That recognition will not adversely affect the quality of healthcare in Australia. ... leveraging their unique skillset in the best interests of quality care for the people in rural and remote Australia.
Document type: pdf Size: 2654k
D0692, March 2012, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. 4 AIHW (2012) Australia's health 2012. ... be able to work anywhere in Australia and particularly in rural and remote settings.
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We respect the traditional owners of lands across Australia in which our members and staff work and. ... Defines the essential competencies, knowledge, skills and attributes required of General Practitioners across all working contexts in Australia.
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2012 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. ... 1 The factors affecting the supply of health services and medical professionals in rural areas; Community Affairs References