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Date: 30/03/2023 Location: Other
5 Outcome measurement hours
  Culturally safe practice
  Addressing health inequities
  Ethical practice
Document type: pdf Size: 667k
Some evidence suggests that devaluing of clinical judgement and generalism, as well as income discrepancies contribute to this trend. ... A feature was the recognition that secondary care clinical ser-vices were often distant, entailing additional clinical work
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
The ALS course aims to teach the theory and practical skills to effectively manage a deteriorating patient aiming to prevent cardiorespiratory arrest in this peri-arrest situations. It also aims to teach structures for clinical assessment and management of
8 Performance review hours
6 MOPS (Emergency Medicine) hours
Procedural Grants - Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine
Date: 22/05/2023 Location: Other
Chronic Disease Management (CDM) is a key aspect of general practice. CDM item number usage can be complex and many GPs are concerned about their usage, often leading to under-billing. In this audit, you will reflect on patients with chronic disease, and
0.5 Educational activity hour
2.5 Outcome measurement hours
  Ethical practice
Document type: pdf Size: 113k
It provides a quality Fellowship program including training, professional development, and clinical practice standards; and support and advocacy services for rural doctors and the communities they serve. ... Security and data quality standards must minimise risks
Document type: pdf Size: 113k
It provides a quality Fellowship program including training, professional development, and clinical practice standards; and support and advocacy services for rural doctors and the communities they serve. ... Security and data quality standards must minimise risks
Date: 20/04/2023 Location: Other
This free online activity consists of a peer-reviewed clinical review article and 15 interactive clinical questions based around case studies, with immediate feedback.
0.75 Educational activity hour
0.75 Performance review hour
Document type: pdf Size: 181k
procedures, predominantly since it is entirely elective, has no clinical or medical need, and is not. ... It provides a quality Fellowship program including training, professional development, and clinical practice standards; and support and advocacy services for
Document type: pdf Size: 181k
procedures, predominantly since it is entirely elective, has no clinical or medical need, and is not. ... It provides a quality Fellowship program including training, professional development, and clinical practice standards; and support and advocacy services for
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: VIC
The ALS course aims to teach the theory and practical skills to effectively manage a deteriorating patient aiming to prevent cardiorespiratory arrest in this peri-arrest situations. It also aims to teach structures for clinical assessment and management of
2 Outcome measurement hours
6 MOPS (Emergency Medicine) hours
Procedural Grants - Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine