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Date: 01/01/2023 Location: VIC
The ALS course aims to teach the theory and practical skills to effectively manage a deteriorating patient aiming to prevent cardiorespiratory arrest in this peri-arrest situations. It also aims to teach structures for clinical assessment and management of
2 Outcome measurement hours
6 MOPS (Emergency Medicine) hours
Procedural Grants - Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine
Document type: pdf Size: 505k
For example, changes to credentialling, practice standards, clinical governance mechanisms or industrial agreements). ... It extends to taking on a clinical consultant advisory role, where the supervisor may be.
Document type: pdf Size: 240k
volunteer fire and SES personnel)) with agreed protocols to supplement hospital personnel as dictated by clinical need and level of training. ... Documented and regularly updated manual of clinical pathways for commonly presenting, but potentially serious medical
Document type: pdf Size: 482k
should be set by the College and your university). Research, teaching and clinical work. ... A” at 0.5 FTE. • Clinical loading is equivalent to that of an academic staff member "with.
Date: 01/02/2023 Location: Other
This free online activity consists of a peer-reviewed, evidence-based clinical review article and 15 interactive clinical questions based around case studies, with immediate feedback.
0.75 Educational activity hour
0.75 Performance review hour
Document type: pdf Size: 197k
Candidates are expected to explain how they would approach a given situation, demonstrating clinical reasoning, not only knowledge of facts. ... Acknowledgements. ACRRM would like to thank everyone who contributed to this assessment including the other Lead
Date: 13/11/2023 Location: Other
This free online activity consists of a peer-reviewed clinical review article and 15 interactive clinical questions.
1.5 Educational activity hours
Document type: pdf Size: 242k
The College delivers a quality Fellowship program including training; professional development; clinical practice standards, and support and advocacy services for rural doctors and the communities they serve.
Document type: docx Size: 1054k
1.5 Perform an appropriate physical examination, across all age groups, elicit clinical signs and interpret physical findings. ... 4.2 Provide definitive emergency management across the lifespan in keeping with clinical need, own capabilities, local context and
Document type: doc Size: 203k
Date. Course/Certificate. Specialist Examinations. Please include details of examinations taken (MCQ, Viva Voce, Clinical). ... Dates. Institution. Specialty/. Sub-Specialty. Types of Examination. Clinical/Procedural Skills. Competent. Observed.