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Document type: pdf Size: 185k
Too many Australians think this disease is like a mild cold that won’t impact them” Clinical Lead for RDAA and ACRRM’s COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response, Dr Adam ... for interview: Dr Adam Coltzau - Clinical Lead, RDAA and ACRRM COVID-19 Rural and Remote
Document type: pdf Size: 596k
Supervisor reports, CBD, miniCEX, MSF. MCQ, StAMPS. 7.2 Keep clinical documentation in accordance with legal and professional standards. ... of care. • Critically appraised own performance. • Clinical documentation is in accordance with professional standards.
Document type: pdf Size: 183k
Yes. Doctors can include a brand name on a prescription if necessary for the clinical treatment of the patient, add brand if required for PBS Authority and disallow brand substitution if
Document type: pdf Size: 368k
electricity and water). AST support. Mobile communication and electronic devices Clinical equipment necessary for practice College and Professional membership costs (RACGP/ACRRM or specialist colleges) Professional development costs (may be eligible
Document type: pdf Size: 649k
of the clinical information available to rural practitioners is available in digital form – which allows for the potential of using the data to monitor and improve practice. ... To do this, all clinical software allows you to record a diagnosis, usually in a
Document type: pdf Size: 1699k
Fellowship Program at a glaceDuration: 4 Years. Components: Clinical training, Education and Assessment.
Document type: pdf Size: 1258k
5. 1. CLINICAL ASPECTS OF TELEHEALTH SERVICESAS ISO/TS 13131:2017. number. AHPRAguideline number. ... 6. 1. CLINICAL ASPECTS OF TELEHEALTH SERVICESAS ISO/TS 13131:2017. number. AHPRAguideline number.
Document type: pdf Size: 306k
1.4 Use specialised clinical equipment as required for further assessment and interpret findings. ... 3.7 Communicate effectively at a distance with consulting or receiving clinical personnel.
Document type: pdf Size: 264k
catastrophic events. Providing quality care for these people presents a distinct range of clinical, legal and ethical considerations.
Document type: pdf Size: 299k
3. Toolkits: sharing and developing models/guidelines/statements on key issues such as credentialing, clinical governance, training pipelines, legislation. • ... Rural health services: • Credentialing and privileging for RGM practice • Clinical