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Document type: pdf Size: 142k
professional services and in particular, skilled doctors who can provide a broad scope of clinical care, working in concert with other members of the healthcare team. ... Rural Generalist Medicine – and clinical generalism more broadly - offers an important
Document type: pdf Size: 548k
Supporting the implementation of the Competency Standards Framework for Clinicians Culturally responsive clinical practice: Working with people from migrant and refugee backgrounds and the Guide for Clinicians Working with Interpreters in
Document type: pdf Size: 200k
Administrative burdens. Rural practice involves increasing levels of compliance and administration, associated with practice accreditation, clinical credentialling, and continuing professional development. ... It provides a quality Fellowship program including
Document type: pdf Size: 198k
Dr Adam Coltzau, Clinical lead of the COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response said that an increase in presentations of the common cold to doctors’ surgeries is a telling sign. ... for interview: Dr Adam Coltzau - Clinical Lead, COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response Dr
Document type: pdf Size: 198k
It provides a quality Fellowship program including training, professional development and clinical practice standards; and support and advocacy services for rural doctors and the communities they serve.
Document type: pdf Size: 937k
Clinical simulation has become an important component of medical training. It is highly recommended that the. ... oesophageal reflux. Clinical examination and investigation. Significant symptoms and signs. requiring further investigation.
Document type: pdf Size: 160k
add brand if required for PBS Authority. Clinical support materials will be made available, to assist prescribers to determine when it may be appropriate to include a brand name on a ... A range of information and clinical support materials are available on The
Document type: pdf Size: 1660k
Preserving Clinical Decision Making. Preserving prescribers’ and consumers’ choice of medicine has been a major consideration throughout the development of the implementation strategy for Active Ingredient Prescribing (AIP). ... capability.  Subscribe to
Document type: pdf Size: 129k
regional and rural settings to work in both community practice and provide clinical services to.
Document type: docx Size: 129k
Work based assessments. Educational resources. Education activities available outside post. Clinical resources.