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Document type: pdf Size: 828k
Clinical attachment or work with a obstetric. RG or specialist Obstetrician (minimum of 10. ... Supervisor reports or Training organisation records (RIDE Report) or Verification of clinical experience proforma.
Document type: pdf Size: 199k
We welcome the Prime Minister’s announcement about expanding testing across the country,” Dr Adam Coltzau, Clinical Lead for RDAA and ACRRM’s COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response, said. ... for interview: Dr Adam Coltzau - Clinical Lead, RDAA and ACRRM
Document type: pdf Size: 232k
and the development of statewide clinical guidelines. ... 4. Virtual careOver-reliance on access to specialist clinical advice and support through virtual care as part of the UCC framework should be avoided.
Document type: pdf Size: 188k
It provides a quality Fellowship program including training, professional development and clinical practice standards; and support and advocacy services for rural doctors and the communities they serve.
Document type: pdf Size: 815k
demarcation and credentialing issues which obstruct the rational delivery of clinical care must be critically reviewed and addressed. • ... any proposal to close a rural birthing service must con-sider the time, distance and conditions of travel/transport
Document type: pdf Size: 828k
Clinical attachment or work with a obstetric. RG or specialist Obstetrician (minimum of 10. ... Supervisor reports or Training organisation records (RIDE Report) or Verification of clinical experience proforma.
Document type: pdf Size: 177k
your doctor because of COVID concerns” said Dr Adam Coltzau, Clinical Lead for RDAA and ACRRM’s COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response. ... for interview: Dr Adam Coltzau - Clinical Lead, RDAA and ACRRM COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response Dr John Hall - RDAA
Document type: pdf Size: 198k
Coltzau, Clinical Lead for ACRRM and RDAA’s COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response, said. ... for interview: Dr Adam Coltzau - Clinical Lead, RDAA and ACRRM COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response Dr John Hall - RDAA President Dr Ewen McPhee - ACRRM President Media
Document type: pdf Size: 265k
This requires a structured, systematic, and person-centred and team-based approach to service delivery which properly reflects the distinctions of the rural and remote clinical context. ... Likewise, it is important that rural generalist practitioners are included
Document type: pdf Size: 184k
accreditation, clinical credentialling, and continuing professional development. These are often costly and.