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Document type: pdf Size: 628k
1 February 2023 ACRRM MiniCEX and clinical visits begin for NSW registrars.
Document type: pdf Size: 184k
accreditation, clinical credentialling, and continuing professional development. These are often costly and.
Document type: pdf Size: 210k
Do not underestimate the impact you can make individually in keeping COVID-19 under control, and avoiding a second wave of the virus” Dr Adam Coltzau, Clinical Lead for ACRRM and ... for interview: Dr Adam Coltzau - Clinical Lead, RDAA and ACRRM COVID-19 Rural
Document type: pdf Size: 172k
Reflect the clinical complexity and heightened responsibilities associated with working in rural and remote areas, and. • ... Support Rural Generalist training and generational transfer through increased funding to recognise both the training and clinical
Document type: pdf Size: 828k
Clinical attachment or work with a obstetric. RG or specialist Obstetrician (minimum of 10. ... Supervisor reports or Training organisation records (RIDE Report) or Verification of clinical experience proforma.
Document type: pdf Size: 229k
The content was written by a variety of clinical experts (general practitioners with expertise in sexual health, infectious diseases specialists or sexual health physicians), nominated by the Editorial Subcommittee and Steering ... However, committee members may
Document type: pdf Size: 126k
3.1.2 the clinical and educational experience translates to the Australian context. ... 3.1.3 there is a suitable clinical workload and exposure to a range of clinical conditions.
Document type: pdf Size: 604k
1 February 2023 ACRRM MiniCEX and clinical visits begin for SA registrars.
Document type: pdf Size: 214k
Gaining a better feel for the common clinical problems of a community and appreciating the special challenges for rural doctors.
Document type: pdf Size: 184k
Dr Adam Coltzau, Clinical Lead of the COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response, said that in many circumstances the skills of rural GPs and Rural Generalist (RG), as well as the ... for interview: Dr Adam Coltzau - Clinical Lead, COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response Dr