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Document type: pdf Size: 304k
respectively are on the basis of these credentials eligible to be granted scope of clinical practice. ... WAGPET, Rural Clinical School of WA, the Postgraduate Medical Council of WA, Australian Medical.
Document type: pdf Size: 194k
for interview: Dr John Hall - RDAA President Dr Ewen McPhee - ACRRM President Dr Adam Coltzau - Clinical Lead, RDAA and ACRRM COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response Media contacts (RDAA) Patrick Daley
Document type: pdf Size: 162k
patient’s clinical updates. The nursing home would benefit from access to My Health Record. ... information so they maintain nursing home patients’ clinical records on the practice records.
Document type: pdf Size: 183k
We recommend that families speak with their relative’s aged care facility about how they will manage COVID-positive patients, and the clinical pathways they will have in place for these ... We would also strongly suggest residents in aged care putting in place
Document type: pdf Size: 218k
service can improve patient access to services, support clinical staff and enhance continuity of care. ... Practical factors such as the availability of specialists, local clinical staff and technology. •
Document type: pdf Size: 228k
This will require leadership on the part of the Federal government to ensure that State jurisdictions maintain or improve the clinical capacity of their rural and remote health and hospital facilities. ... lifespan. They work with an extended scope of practice
Document type: docx Size: 45k
It will be used by the Medical Board of Australia and its agent for pre-employment structured clinical interview and registration processes. ... a) The supervisor must be physically present at the workplace at all times when the IMG is providing clinical care.
Document type: pdf Size: 178k
Adam Coltzau, Clinical Lead for RDAA and ACRRM’s COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response, said. ... for interview: Dr Adam Coltzau - Clinical Lead, RDAA and ACRRM COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response Dr John Hall - RDAA President Dr Ewen McPhee - ACRRM President Media
Document type: pdf Size: 235k
Quality and SafetySafe, high quality services which are cognisant of clinical and cultural safety and the needs of rural and remote women and their families:. • ... Clinical advice and support, including advice from consultants and the embedding of clinical
Document type: pdf Size: 203k
in situ, assessed and credentialed, ready to assume the high levels of clinical responsibility that this environment demands. ... education and training • Training and assessment at all levels which ref lects practice in rural and remote clinical.