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Document type: pdf Size: 140k
therefore improving the speed of clinical decisions. The My Health record supports patient confidentiality.
Document type: pdf Size: 232k
A national register needs to be developed of appropriately skilled and trained GPs/RGs to be clinical leads.
Document type: pdf Size: 145k
RISK AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT. • Make sure you assess the likelihood and magnitude of foreseeable clinical, management or.
Document type: pdf Size: 1169k
A full-time senior rural generalist doctor provides clinical oversight and patient consultations predominantly by telehealth. ... The consolidation of clinical resources increased primary care access across the valley through increased outreach services.
Document type: pdf Size: 183k
Calls are answered at the Queensland Health Contact Centre. Calls can be transferred to a Senior Adviser for clinical discussion if required from 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Document type: pdf Size: 212k
Dr Adam Coltzau, Clinical Lead of the COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response, said that rural doctors are at the forefront of treating people’s mental well-being in rural areas ... for interview: Dr Adam Coltzau - Clinical Lead, COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response Dr
Document type: pdf Size: 197k
This is more than masks. If you admit a patient that needs intubation or resuscitation, clinical guidelines state the doctor must wear a face shield.
Document type: pdf Size: 191k
The Queensland Clinical Networks (QCN) are peak bodies of clinical expertise in Queensland. ... participate in the work of the clinical network and working groups as required. •
Document type: pdf Size: 177k
assume coronavirus could spread into more rural communities in the weeks ahead” Clinical Lead for RDAA and ACRRM’s COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response, Dr Adam Coltzau, said. ... for interview: Dr Adam Coltzau - Clinical Lead, RDAA and ACRRM COVID-19 Rural and
Document type: pdf Size: 202k
changes). • Disclosure responsibility in line with Privacy Principles. • What Clinical Records system does the organisation use and is it MHR compliant? • ... summary-sheets.