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Document type: pdf Size: 9490k
September 2024. General Manager, Operations. Encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Fellows to become involved as clinical consultants on College education and assessment advisory committees. ... September 2025. General Manager, Education Services.
Document type: pdf Size: 237k
These doctors commit to maintaining relevant emergency skills. They are equipped by SA County Health and operate within a formal clinical governance structure. ... Ideally such responses should not occur ad hoc, but be part of a scheme with agreed call-out criteria
Document type: doc Size: 203k
Date. Course/Certificate. Specialist Examinations. Please include details of examinations taken (MCQ, Viva Voce, Clinical). ... Dates. Institution. Specialty/. Sub-Specialty. Types of Examination. Clinical/Procedural Skills. Competent. Observed.
Document type: pdf Size: 368k
Dr Carolyn Hullick is a Clinical Director at the Commission and will be Chair of the ETEK Project Advisory Group. ... The Group will be comprised of representatives from key ED stakeholder groups, including clinical, academic, specialist college sectors and
Document type: docx Size: 128k
chest, spine. Radiographic findings – The report. 1. History. 2. Relevant clinical information. ... Radiographic findings – The report. 5. History. 6. Relevant clinical information.
Document type: pdf Size: 182k
This is an incredibly trying and stressful time for many Australians – whether you are young or old, and living in the city or in a rural community” Clinical Lead for RDAA ... for interview: Dr Adam Coltzau - Clinical Lead, RDAA and ACRRM COVID-19 Rural and
Document type: pdf Size: 168k
3.2.5. Recognition of Prior Learning. 3.3. Full time training is 38 hours per week, inclusive of clinical, education and administrative activities. ... 3.4.1. include comparable proportionate exposure and experience to full time training, including clinical,
Document type: docx Size: 103k
Assessment organised, logical and efficient. Patient comfort and safety considered. Clinical management. ... Critically appraised own performance. Records. Clinical documentation was in accordance with professional standards.
Document type: pdf Size: 508k
Clinical Teaching Visit. Formal workplace performance appraisal. Assessment of Skills/simulator/practical training. ... M. Clinical attachment M. Locum Improvement Tool M. Peer Observation of Teaching Audit.
Date: 07/08/2024 Location: VIC
Designed by Rural Generalists, the Advanced Life Support Level 2 (ALS2) course was created to meet the needs of rural doctors to support and enable them to exceed the standards set by the Australian Resuscitation Council. This two-day course provides you with
8 Educational activity hours
7 Performance review hours
6 MOPS (Emergency Medicine) hours
Tier 1 Emergency Medicine Course
Procedural Grants - Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine