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Document type: docx Size: 74k
Our primary aim is to implement the Clinical Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Work-related Mental Health Conditions in General Practice. ... Intervention Advisory Group. Clinical Trial Coordinator (CTC) Vic. TBA. Key responsibilities: Recruitment,
Document type: pdf Size: 221k
providing expert clinical advice regarding the development of national guidance and resources. ... providing advice on clinical governance. • ensuring the project is person centred, respectful of, and responsive to, the preferences,.
Document type: docx Size: 126k
Clinical resources. List resources and how to access. Resources for registrar well being.
Document type: pdf Size: 283k
The online modules are also designed to support clinical educators, training supervisors and. ... This. document specifies the clinical and procedural knowledge and skills that general practitioners.
Document type: pdf Size: 372k
providing and considering clinical and lived experience advice throughout all phases of the project and content development;. • ... actively supporting the project and acting as an advocate for its outcomes; • providing advice on clinical governance; and •
Document type: pdf Size: 66k
ACRRM has articulated its research priorities which include:. • Rural Health Issues and Outcomes • Rural Medical Workforce Training and Professional Development • Indigenous Health • Rural Clinical Practice • New approaches and technologies in
Document type: pdf Size: 180k
Coltzau, Clinical Lead for RDAA and ACRRM’s COVID-19 Rural and Remote Response. ... We strongly commend the Victorian Government’s decision to support private aged care facilities by providing Registered Nurses to increase clinical care capability, as well as
Document type: pdf Size: 236k
clinical knowledge of rural doctors in relation to pain management.
Document type: pdf Size: 1144k
Assessment costs (Refer to Assessment Handbook). Self-funded Self-funded Self-funded Self-funded. Clinical resources (Electronic Therapeutic Guidelines and Australian Medicines Handbook).
Document type: pdf Size: 209k
This will require leadership on the part of the Federal government to ensure that State jurisdictions maintain or improve the clinical capacity of their rural and remote health and hospital facilities. ... lifespan. They work with an extended scope of practice