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Are you a member of ACRRM, a registrar planning to sit the AST-EM StAMPS, medical student or junior doctor on a rural pathway thinking of doing your AST in emergency medicine, a rural FACRRM with a significant caseload of emergency medicine, or an urban based
FACRRM Recommended
Article. Positions available on Primary Health Tasmania’s Clinical and Community Advisory Councils. ... For more information about the Clinical Advisory Council and the application process click here.
Clinical Assessment Tool - Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICT). ... Best Practice. In Best Practice, advance care planning information is found in the clinical document list.
diagnose and manage common acute and chronic paediatric conditions. diagnose and manage less common or more complex, acute and chronic conditions with consideration of clinical services capability.
Expanded and full scope practice has particular value in conditions of relative professional and geographical isolation and limited clinical resources such as occurs in rural and remote areas including Aboriginal and ... The College was pleased to note the
Date: 23/09/2024 Location: QLD
Point of care ultrasound machine has become increasingly popular and affordable among general practitioners, particularly those working in rural remote areas.The increasing roll out of improved internet and its platforms gives rise to a new era in telehealth
Exceptional commitment to building clinical and other skills, demonstrating a clear intent to develop a rural medical career (e.g. ... previous clinical placements or work experience in rural and remote areas) – 35%.
She adds that if the rural lifestyle isn't enough to get you hooked on Rural Medicine, the clinical work certainly is.
I come from a paramedic background and have a Graduate Diploma in Clinical Education. ... I chose to be an RLO because I have a passion for advocacy and clinical education, so the role seemed a good fit!
Due to the high-quality learning he had been providing to sixth year medical students, the Adelaide Rural Clinical School approached him a few years ago to widen this to include ... As someone who was raised in Adelaide, and got to experience Rural Medicine