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It’s likely you are already reviewing your performance and measuring your outcomes during your everyday practice, so don’t forget to log your day-to-day clinical discussions with colleagues
Date Published: Feb 24, 2021. The National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce, which ACRRM is a part of, is commencing consultation on the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) guideline., and welcome ... E.g. primary care workers, emergency department. People
Members should also refer to the National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce recommendations regarding the use of Molnupiravir.
The EMBRACE study will evaluate translation of the 'Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Psychotropic Medications in People Living with Dementia and in Residential Aged Care'.
Date: 15/11/2024 Location: VIC
This practical blended advanced course will comprehensively explore the ECS and its implications in patients with migraine, fibromayalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and other treatment resistant syndromes, before investigating the two major cannabinoids,
3.5 Performance review hours
3 Educational activity hours
management. The tool scans the patient’s clinical record against a set of predetermined HF-related criteria, alerting the GP to the identification of possible, probable, or definite HF. ... All Topbar Apps comply with the Pen CS Clinical and Data Governance
Linked to workforce challenges – shortages in some areas are at critical levels, with clinical staff facing unsustainable working hours, poorly coordinated recruitment and retention strategies, inadequate remuneration and lack of resources.
These changes mean authorised prescribers will be able to issue an electronic prescription using their clinical software.
This week marks the end of an era as we farewell Clinical Guidelines Officer Heather Allwood who has retired from the College after over 15 years of service. ... Heather was a key driver in the development and success of the ACRRM Clinical Guidelines.
The military GP’s clinical leadership role encompasses training of subordinates, education, assurance of standards, and providing advice to military commanders. ... The final component of military general practice is ‘operational medicine’ – the