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You searched for: clinical bytes
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Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This activity is a planned medical education/clinical audit activity that systematically reviews aspects of a GP’s clinical performance against defined best-practice guidelines: The Australian Immunisation Handbook. The aim is for participants to evaluate
6 Outcome measurement hours
Document type: pdf Size: 2851k
Diagnoses and manages less common or more complex, acute and chronic conditions with consideration of clinical services capability:. ... Works with a team on and off site to provide specialised clinical care.
Date: 31/01/2024 Location: Other
The Australian Medical Acupuncture College Course Part 2 provides advanced knowledge in Medical Acupuncture and enables successful candidates to achieve the Fellowship.of the Australian Medical Acupuncture College (FAMAC).Entry into the Part 2 Course requires
43 Educational activity hours
77 Performance review hours
20 Outcome measurement hours
4 MOPS (Medical Acupuncture) hours
Date: 23/08/2024 Location: Other
This free online activity consists of a peer-reviewed clinical review article and 15 interactive clinical questions.
1.5 Performance review hours
Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. Story. ACRRM acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the custodians of the lands and waters where our
Date: 28/10/2024 Location: QLD
Point of care ultrasound machine has become increasingly popular and affordable among general practitioners, particularly those working in rural remote areas.The increasing roll out of improved internet and its platforms gives rise to a new era in telehealth
Date: 09/11/2024 Location: WA
This advanced skin cancer surgery one-day practical workshop is designed for doctors who want to learn and practice more advanced skin cancer surgery techniques in a simulated setting. Key areas covered include revision of sutures and rotation flaps, grafts
  Culturally safe practice
  Ethical practice
  Addressing health inequities
1 Educational activity hour
7.5 Performance review hours
Date: 29/01/2024 Location: ACT
GooD4Mum provides education, resources and support to general practices through Quality Improvement Collaborative methodologies including Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles [10], to provide clinical guideline concordant [11, 12]education, resources [13] and interactive
22 Outcome measurement hours
The aim of this course is to enhance and improve your communication skills in the doctor-patient relationship and colleague to colleague, for the best possible clinical outcomes. Effective communication skills are crucial to the patient-doctor relationship
10 Educational activity hours
FACRRM Recommended
Date: 02/12/2024 Location: QLD
This education activity aims to provide General Practitioners with the skills to commenceultrasound image acquisition, image interpretation andamp; image documentation to assist in decision-making and patient safety. It also aims to highlight the limitations
Procedural Grants - Emergency Medicine