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Meet our Members. Meet Our Members. ACRRM students, registrars and Fellows have one thing in common - a desire to See More, Do More and Be More. Whether they are working in central Victoria, on the rugged Western Australian coastline, in the tropics of North
Date: 23/08/2024 Location: Other
This free online activity consists of a peer-reviewed clinical review article and 15 interactive clinical questions.
1.5 Performance review hours
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This course focuses on skin cancer surgery relating to rotation flaps. Participants will learn about scalp defect closures and how to plan rotation flaps. Included are images that describe the mathematic planning of rotation flaps including the size of the
4 Educational activity hours
5 Performance review hours
In the Introduction to CBD Assessment course we aim to support you in preparing you for the ACRRM CBD exam.On completion of this course, you will be able to:Describe what is Case Based DiscussionIdentify appropriate casesIdentify the clinical and operational
4 Performance review hours
FACRRM Recommended
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This course focuses on atopic dermatitis and acne relating to general dermatology. The course begins with an overview of atopic dermatitis and discusses the diagnosis of this condition from infancy to adulthood. It then explains the pathogenesis,
3.5 Educational activity hours
6 Performance review hours
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This course focuses on the approach to non-pigmented skin lesions relating to skin cancer medicine. Participants will acquire the knowledge required to safely and confidently diagnose and treat commonly encountered skin lesions. This unit starts with a
5 Performance review hours
Date: 27/03/2024 Location: Other
A pragmatic, structured, treatment approach to Persistent Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis. Real case studies, unique resources, and latest evidence is used to deliver a comprehensive, one-stop, practical course. Be competent and confident as a Team Leader for
9 Educational activity hours
1.5 Performance review hours
5 Outcome measurement hours
6 MOPS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) hours
Date: 24/10/2024 Location: QLD
Is there tamponade, right heart failure, left heart failure, massive pulmonary embolism or hypovolemia? These are five vital questions in the acute care of critical illness. This Lung andamp; FELS ultrasound course teaches you simple heart views to answer
9.5 Performance review hours
6.5 Educational activity hours
Date: 06/02/2023 Location: Other
To provide General Practitioners with the skills and knowledge to identify, differentiate, and evaluate melanoma and other skin cancers. The Melanoma and Other Skin Cancer Certificate is facilitated by leading Dermatologists. It is delivered in an online
19 Educational activity hours
9 Performance review hours
2 Outcome measurement hours
Document type: pdf Size: 216k
Australian Government Department of Health - General practice data and electronic clinical decision support – Issues Paper 18 February 2022. ... 15. What upcoming developments may impact eCDS functionality and integration into clinical workflows?