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You searched for: clinical bytes
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Document type: pdf Size: 148k
ACRRM Submission Consultation Regulation Impact Statement: General Practice Data and Electronic Clinical Decision Support • February 2023. ... Clinical guidelines are not optimised for integration with eCDS functionality. 6 Patient data ownership: who owns your
Document type: pdf Size: 2456k
Works with a team on and off site to provide specialised clinical care. ... o local clinical services capabilities. o own skill set. o if surgical intervention is required.
Date: 15/07/2024 Location: Other
This free online activity consists of a peer-reviewed clinical review article and 15 interactive clinical questions.
0.5 Educational activity hour
1 Performance review hour
Date: 06/02/2023 Location: Other
This course aims to provide general practitioners with the skills and knowledge to determine the commonest and most important cutaneous signs of skin diseases to detect or diagnose malignancy at earlier stage. It is delivered in a self-paced online learning
2 Outcome measurement hours
20 Educational activity hours
  Ethical practice
7 Performance review hours
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This course focuses on topical treatments options and medico-legal issues relating to skin cancer medicine. Participants will learn about the topical treatments, the (contra-)indications and dose of Imiquimod 5% cream used for treating superficial basal cell
4 Educational activity hours
5 Performance review hours
Date: 06/02/2023 Location: Other
To provide General Practitioners with the skills and knowledge to perform basic and advanced dermatological surgery and procedures and how to manage surgical risk and complications. The Practical Therapies (Basic and Advanced) Certificate is facilitated by
18 Educational activity hours
8 Performance review hours
2 Outcome measurement hours
Date: 14/02/2024 Location: ACT
The aim of this activity is to equip GPs with the knowledge and skills to counsel patients regarding the use of IUDs, to perform IUD procedures in their practices, and to be able to minimise risks and manage complications.
3 Educational activity hours
9 Performance review hours
3 Outcome measurement hours
6 MOPS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) hours
Procedural Grants - Obstetrics
Date: 01/01/2024 Location: Other
Lifestyle Medicine (LM) is evidence-based, clinical care that supports behaviour change through person-centred techniques to improve mental wellbeing, social connection, healthy eating, physical activity, sleep and minimisation of harmful substances.This
2 Educational activity hours
Date: 29/01/2024 Location: Other
Become an ASLM Accredited Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner. Lifestyle Medicine is evidence-based, clinical care that supports behaviour change through person-centred techniques to improve mental wellbeing, social connection, healthy eating, physical activity,
5 Outcome measurement hours
53 Educational activity hours
20 Performance review hours
Date: 01/01/2024 Location: VIC
The Medcast Advanced Life Support Program (ALS) is designed to meet key practice requirements for clinicians working with adult patients (18+ years of age) who may need to respond to episodes of clinical deterioration or cardiorespiratory arrest. The program