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You searched for: clinical bytes
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Date: 14/06/2024 Location: Other
This free online activity consists of a peer-reviewed clinical review article and 15 interactive clinical questions.
0.5 Educational activity hour
1 Performance review hour
Document type: pdf Size: 2456k
Works with a team on and off site to provide specialised clinical care. ... o local clinical services capabilities. o own skill set. o if surgical intervention is required.
Date: 28/10/2024 Location: QLD
Point of care ultrasound machine has become increasingly popular and affordable among general practitioners, particularly those working in rural remote areas.The increasing roll out of improved internet and its platforms gives rise to a new era in telehealth
27.75 Educational activity hours
Date: 08/11/2024 Location: Other
This one day workshop will provide comprehensive insight into LV diastology andamp; common measurements used at the bedside. Providing the delegate with the skill of integration of echocardiography information for clinical decision making.
2.5 Educational activity hours
3 Performance review hours
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
Gout is a challenging and important disease for practitioners to diagnose and manage. It is an inflammatory joint arthritis in response to monosodium urate (MSU) crystal formation and deposition in joints, bones and soft tissues. The course commences by
4.5 Educational activity hours
6 Performance review hours
  Culturally safe practice
  Addressing health inequities
  Ethical practice
Date: 14/03/2024 Location: Other
This free online activity consists of a peer-reviewed clinical review article and 15 interactive clinical questions.
0.5 Educational activity hour
1 Performance review hour
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This course focuses on biopsies, haemostasis and halo grafting relating to skin cancer medicine. Participants will learn about monopolar and bipolar modes of cautery, including pros and cons of each mode. Electrical and fire risks of cautery are mentioned.
5 Performance review hours
4 Educational activity hours
Procedural Grants - Online, Surgery
Document type: pdf Size: 1719k
Clinical experience-based learning – most of the teaching and learning should take a. ... History taking 3. Physical assessment 4. Clinical Management in the local context 5.
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This course focuses on skin cancer surgery relating to lip wedges. This course begins with a revision of the lip anatomy, blood, nerve and muscle supplies, as understanding these are essential when planning lip wedges. Fundamental principles of lip wedge
3.5 Educational activity hours
5 Performance review hours
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This Obstetric Haematology course will provide you with knowledge of the haematological and related physiological changes associated with pregnancy.This Obstetric Haematology course is one of three related courses that support patient blood management in
1 Educational activity hour