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Document type: pdf Size: 121k
ACRRM Submission Feedback on the Agency for Clinical Innovation Draft Strategy 2023-26 • November 2022. ... desired outcome.5 Evidence based Clinical Practice Guidelines are a key aspect of patient centred care.6.
Document type: pdf Size: 148k
ACRRM Submission Consultation Regulation Impact Statement: General Practice Data and Electronic Clinical Decision Support • February 2023. ... Clinical guidelines are not optimised for integration with eCDS functionality. 6 Patient data ownership: who owns your
Date: 01/03/2023 Location: Other
In formative work for the National Program, FARE has found that health professionals are willing to expand their knowledge and skills to have discussions about pregnancy and alcohol, and that they will benefit from: Understanding and considering the risks of
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
The history, epidemiology and aetiology of bipolar disorder are discussed. Information and tools to classify bipolar disorder include prodromal symptoms, clinical features of mania, hypomania, depressive episode, mixed episode, cyclothymic disorder and
6 Performance review hours
6 Educational activity hours
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This outcome improvement activity enables doctors to review and enhance their current practice for patients who may benefit from the theory, anatomy and principles of surgery. The activity will guide you to compare and measure your management of three patient
8.5 Outcome measurement hours
  Ethical practice
  Addressing health inequities
  Culturally safe practice
Date: 13/08/2024 Location: Other
The masterclass equips GPs with crucial knowledge and practical skills to overcome barriers in HPV vaccination. Despite existing programs, many remain unvaccinated, highlighting the need for improved practices. This event empowers GPs to enhance immunisation
1.5 Educational activity hours
5 Outcome measurement hours
1 Performance review hour
  Addressing health inequities
  Ethical practice
Date: 01/01/2024 Location: Other
This interactive webinar explores the latest cardiovascular clinical risk assessment recommendations and will provide practical advice regarding the use of tools and resources available to assist GPs conduct cardiovascular risk assessments. It will review
1.5 Educational activity hours
Date: 06/02/2024 Location: Other
This booklet aligns with the Northern Territory (NT) Department of Health (DoH) Remote Area Nursing transition program. It is designed to support all New to Remote Nurses within RAHC to achieve the thirteen domains of remote nursing practice in remote areas,
1 Educational activity hour
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This outcome improvement activity relates to nutrition and malnutrition in aging and older adults and enables doctors to review and enhance their current practice for patients with this condition. The activity will guide you to compare and measure your
8.5 Outcome measurement hours
Date: 07/02/2025 Location: VIC
This one day workshop will provide comprehensive insight into LV diastology andamp; common measurements used at the bedside. Providing the delegate with the skill of integration of echocardiography information for clinical decision making.
2.5 Educational activity hours
3 Performance review hours