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Date: 01/01/2024 Location: Other
LGBTIQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer or questioning. However we acknowledge that even this acronym has many variations and does not cover all sexually and gender diverse people. Dr Milton Diamond stated 'Nature loves diversity
4 Educational activity hours
1 Performance review hour
Article. ACRRM says GP Incentive Review misses the mark for rural doctors. Date Published: Aug 7, 2024. ACRRM says the recently released Review on General Practice Incentives poses a serious risk to stunting the growth of Minister Butler’s “green
Article. Member feedback: College submission to Senate Inquiry into GP and related primary health services. Date Published: Aug 19, 2021. The College will be making a comprehensive submission to this Inquiry and invites members to provide feedback, with
Article. What factors impede digital technologies for remote health? Date Published: Oct 22, 2020. What are the factors that impede the uptake and acceptance of digital technologies for remote health service delivery? By David Murtagh, ACRRM Digital Health
Article. VRHC19 - A little less conversation; a little more action. Date Published: Apr 30, 2019. ACRRM was very pleased to support the successful Victorian Rural Health Conference (VRHC19) last weekend. The level of energy, enthusiasm and buzz at the
Article. Express your interest in the First Nations General Practice Training Committee. Date Published: May 4, 2023. The College has been asked by the Assistant Minister for Aboriginal Health, Senator Malarndirri McCarthy, to nominate candidates for her
Article. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mums the focus of Mother's Day campaign. Date Published: May 15, 2017. Supporting improved health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women is a key priority of the Royal Australian and New Zealand
Article. Feedback for College submission to Qld Health regarding system reforms post-COVID. Date Published: Jun 18, 2020. Queensland Health has established a Reform Planning Group to prepare advice for the Deputy Premier and Minister for Health and Minister
Article. Cancer Australia is inviting feedback to the draft National Optimal Care Pathways Framework. Date Published: Mar 20, 2024. The first national Australian Cancer Plan launched in November 2023, is reform opportunity that aims to deliver world class
Article. Support for people with disability is vital during COVID-19. Date Published: Apr 23, 2020. During this time when Australia is focussed on fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to remember the health care needs of people with disabilities in