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Article. ACRRM welcomes news to support international doctors applying to work in Australia. Date Published: Dec 20, 2022. The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) welcomes news the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra)
Article. ACRRM says Grattan report highlights need for GP funding reform. Date Published: Dec 8, 2022. ACRRM President Dr Dan Halliday welcomes the release of the Grattan report: A New Medicare – Strengthening General Practice, saying it is a reminder of
Article. Expanded eligibility criteria for COVID-19 oral antiviral treatments . Date Published: Jul 14, 2022. The Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee has recommended changes to the PBS eligibility criteria for both molnupiravir (Lagevrio), and
Article. Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in Queensland. Date Published: Aug 28, 2019. Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is 100% preventable. It results when permanent damage to the heart valves develops after usually repeated episodes of acute
Article. ACRRM explores fresh approaches to Tassie healthcare challenges. Date Published: Jun 5, 2024. Medical professionals gathered from across the state in Hobart on Saturday (1 June) to discuss hot healthcare topics impacting rural, remote and First
Article. MyMedicare – Patient registration opens on 1 October 2023. Date Published: Sep 21, 2023. Practice Registration: From 1 October 2023, patients will be able to register for MyMedicare to formalise and strengthen their relationship with their regular
Article. Changes to training portfolios in My College. Date Published: Oct 27, 2020. Below is an overview of some minor changes registrars will see in the training portfolios in My College over the coming weeks. These changes are being made to better reflect
Article. New position statement: RANZCR advice on appropriate use of CT throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Date Published: Apr 17, 2020. RANZCR has released a position statement on the appropriate use of CT during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in
Article. ACRRM says this Budget must kickstart return to strong rural services. Date Published: Apr 26, 2023. With the 2023-2024 Budget announcement looming, the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) urgently calls on the Federal Government
Article. Colleges start formal application for national recognition of Rural Generalist Medicine. Date Published: Jun 6, 2019. Work has started on the formal application to have Rural Generalist Medicine recognised as a specialised field within the specialty