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Document type: pdf Size: 216k
Australian Government Department of Health - General practice data and electronic clinical decision support – Issues Paper 18 February 2022. College Details. Organisation Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM). Name Marita Cowie AM Position
Date: 01/05/2023 Location: Other
This program has been developed based on best practice and driven by a guideline management approach to improvingpatient outcomes in people with asthma who are prescribed regular maintenance medium to high dose inhaledcorticosteroid (ICS)/long-acting beta2
12 Outcome measurement hours
Date: 01/01/2024 Location: Other
The course is divided into the following topic areas :Eye Examination and Red Flags for serious diseaseDifferential diagnosis and treatment of conditions presenting with red eyeAssessment and Management of Eye InjuryDifferential diagnosis and management of
6 Performance review hours
2 Educational activity hours
Date: 21/04/2023 Location: Other
This education explores the clinical characteristics and natural history of post-infective fatigue states (that is, CF and PIFS), including following COVID-19 considers what is known and unknown about pathogenesis, and provides guidance for GPs about
0.5 Educational activity hour
0.5 Performance review hour
Date: 03/01/2023 Location: WA
This activity is designed to complete the FPAA National Certificate in Reproductive and Sexual Health for Medical Practitioners.The Certificate program aims to increase confidence in managing reproductive and sexual health consultations in the primary health
25 Performance review hours
  Culturally safe practice
  Addressing health inequities
  Ethical practice
Date: 26/04/2023 Location: Other
Effective communication skills are essential for Australian General Practitioners in providing quality healthcare services to their patients. They are recognised as such by RACGP who have listed them as one of the key domains in their syllabus, domain 1 -
1 Educational activity hour
1 Performance review hour
Date: 14/02/2024 Location: Other
This module covers how to perform a AAA exam, the advantages and disadvantages and the anatomy of the aorta.
0.3 Educational activity hour
Date: 01/03/2023 Location: Other
Providing immunisation is a central role ofAustralian primary care. In the past, efforts have primarily focused on childhood immunisation, achieving coverage for 90–95% of Australian children.As the Australian population ages, more older patients are living
1 Educational activity hour
0.5 Performance review hour
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This men’s health course focuses on ways to maintain cardiovascular health and prevent heart disease. It outlines ways to maintain weight control and prevent obesity. Graphs and charts are used to demonstrate the effects of exercise on men. The relationship
  Culturally safe practice
  Ethical practice
  Addressing health inequities
5.5 Educational activity hours
6 Performance review hours
Document type: pdf Size: 148k
ACRRM Submission Consultation Regulation Impact Statement: General Practice Data and Electronic Clinical Decision Support • February 2023. Page 1 of 10. College Submission February 2023. Consultation Regulation Impact Statement: General Practice Data and