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Document type: pdf Size: 93k
ACRRM Submission Completion of intern training draft revised registration standard • February 2023. Page 1 of 3. College Submission February 2023. Completion of intern training draft revised registration standard. About the Australian College of Rural and
Document type: pdf Size: 93k
ACRRM Submission Completion of intern training draft revised registration standard • February 2023. Page 1 of 3. College Submission February 2023. Completion of intern training draft revised registration standard. About the Australian College of Rural and
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
Consultations with females aged 15+ years comprise 51% of all encounters in Australian general practice. Women's health is a broad term comprising of numerous conditions across reproductive health, mental health, ageing, chronic disease, just to name a few.
7 Educational activity hours
1 Outcome measurement hour
Document type: pdf Size: 77k
Academic Code of Conduct 1/01/2018 Page 1 of 3. Hard copies of this document are considered uncontrolled. Please refer to the ACRRM website for the latest version. Academic Code of Conduct. Department Education Services. Audience Doctors in Training.
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This course provides an overview of chronic non-cancer pain in older adults including definitions, pathophysiology, assessment and management. Content commences with a general overview of chronic pain incorporating pain categories and pain types then focusing
6 Performance review hours
4 Educational activity hours
  Ethical practice
  Addressing health inequities
  Culturally safe practice
Document type: pdf Size: 248k
Aged Care Telehealth Resource Guide. Connected Care. According to the Intergenerational Report released 24 August 2023:. Future ready healthcare. Source: 2023 Intergenerational Report. People aged over 85 will more. than triple from 2023 to 2062. People aged
Date: 06/03/2023 Location: Other
This module aims to equip the learner with the knowledge required to safely and effectively prescribe and administer sublingual buprenorphine-naloxone (Suboxone®) and long acting injection buprenorphine (Buvidal® and Sublocade®) for the treatment of opioid
1.5 Educational activity hours
  Ethical practice
1 Performance review hour
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
Telehealth has become a favourite with patients and doctors. Online medical services are expanding and diversifying. The online practices of some doctors have already been called into question. With the assistance of an expert panel, you will explore the
1.5 Educational activity hours
  Ethical practice
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
This module looks at the common causes of under-diagnosis and misdiagnosis of hereditary haemochromatosis in Australia. Participants will learn how to determine when hereditary haemochromatosis should be part of their differential diagnosis. The module also
Date: 01/01/2023 Location: Other
HealthPathways can be used as a tool to assist in reflective learning, by utilising a current pathway during or following a patient encounter to appraise your current knowledge and application of current local guidelines and referral pathways in your practice.
0.5 Educational activity hour
0.5 Performance review hour